Order of the Stick

Which doesn’t do anyone any good unless he’s teleporting in a vote, some other means to alter the balance, or teleporting somewhere else to accomplish either of those. Or so I surmise. It could be a vote that’s not Banjo. And it could be something else, certainly (though it’s hard to imagine what at this time, which is a credit to Rich).

Is the cat a Demi God?

Knowing cats, it must at least think it is, and that means the world could be doomed.

Again, consensus is that Vamptor? Gontkula? is going to use the single-use orb for the stated purpose from OOTS #989 which is to teleport to directly to the last gate to destroy it and force the gods’ hands. That seems a little obvious for Rich, although, it does move things along, I guess, and also aligns with Durkula’s comments about wanting to take Roy off the board before the next phase.

There could be many a slip betwixt the cup and the lips, though, and I think we are overdue for Belkar to reappear in some form or fashion. Did Belkar ever get something for feather fall when Durkula was dominating him over the sides of the ship all the time?

One of these every 10 days:

You wish to fight, cat?

I am sad because it didn’t answer any questions, outside of the fact that he wants the shiny teleporter (which we guessed already).

This is starting to be the dragon ball z of webcomics.


Man he is dragging this out.

That reminds me of an earlier reference.

He really is.

Climb Every Mountain

“I’m not even going to mention to Roy how I survived getting dropped off a mountain.”

That was awesome.

It’s sweet the way Belkar has made Roy into a sort of hero-father-figure despite the opposing alignments and all that.

I should be mad at you

The sinking of the Titanic in that damn movie didn’t take this long.

She’ll do. – meh.

Vampire Fight!



Well, the oopsie that goes unmentioned will likely be important

It’s been an honor and a privilege