Order of the Stick

I like that one. It seems like this fight is going to have some deliberate echoes of the one Durkon lost.

Well, Rich does know a thing or two about character development and effective storytelling. Those with really accurate and resilient long-term memory will appreciate that, I’m sure. ;)

Or just those who archive dived the whole thing 6 months ago ;)

Neck and Neck.

What did they summon anyway?? Rainbow giraffes?


Probably Fiendish or Anarchic Giraffes.

Cat’s Disgrace

I laughed.

And I think those were chromatic giraffes. You know, like dragons, but with longer necks. ;)

And note that the small creatures riding the giraffes were probably from Roy’s venerable Bag of Tricks.

Bait the Rainbow

Haha, I was just coming to post that when I saw that you were typing so I decided not to bother. Sometimes Discourse can be pretty damned awesome.

Yes indeed! ;)

Is V chaotic? I wonder why the chaos hammer didn’t affect her/him?
Also, called it in the Giraffes.

I’m guessing V must be chaotic. That or protection from chaos had been cast on V. That’s not too much of a stretch I suppose since the preceding strip showed Elan getting a cast of protection from law.

According to the wiki, Vaarsuvius is True Neutral… at least originally. Of course, after a certain event, there’s a good chance her alignment changed to chaotic.

Negatively Affected

The Fighting’s So Bright

Very nice!

Guys. That last panel.

Create Spawn

I hope that baby isn’t used as leverage. That would be… Obvious?