Origin: EA trying to beat steam

You are right. I was probably wrong at my initial numbers. Sorry.

This. TOR was going to be my first serious foray into MMO gaming and now I am thinking about passing on it as well.

Your post made me cry like a little bitch.

EA’s download manager crashes on me about half the time when I log into Windows.

They got their work cut out for them…

Have you tried contacting EA technical support, or rather, THE GUARDIAN?

Nah. Mostly been playing steam games lately, so it doesn’t really matter…

But it doesn’t instill me with confidence to buy games via the application.

You are of course referring to The Stygian Abyss.

I wonder if they’ll shut down your download manager if you talk back on their forums?

I wonder if they’ll shut down my download manager for making this post?

Wait wait wait, you predicted this exactly two years ago. Did you put it down on your blog??!?

But you’re buying an MMO. If they drop support for it, it hardly matters whether you bought it on Steam. And really, if you’re giving EA $10/month directly anyway, what’s it matter if the first $50 also goes directly to them?

I haven’t purchased a retail boxed PC game in years, but if that’s an option for SW:TOR, I’ll probably order it from Amazon or something. I won’t be installing EA’s shitty bloatware store on my PC.

Hopefully this isn’t the start of a trend of EA pulling all their games from Steam.

Why do you think that’ll help? If you buy a Steam game in a boxed version, it still installs Steam. I’d expect this game to install the EA store no matter what, too. It seems like modern boxed PC games are just a cached version of the download from the store, and still require the store for DRM ‘n’ updates.

Hey no worries - sorry I came across as a jerk, re-reading my own posts.

Origin: We Sell Worlds (for $59.99)

Sigh. I didn’t think the abuse of Origin / Ultima could get much worse after Lords of Ultima but, lookee here, I was wrong!

Three things I’d do if I had scads of money:

  1. Buy Origin from EA*
  2. Build an authentic '80s arcade
  3. Pay for my favorite bands to play private concerts for me so I don’t have to put up with the other concert goers.

*I guess there’ll never be an opportunity to buy something like Infocom for $25,000 from Activision again.

And, for the record, I wish EA the best of luck with this relaunch – I just wish they didn’t slap Origin onto it. I’m also a bit concerned that further fragmentation of the PC digital retail space isn’t a good thing (but I guess in this case it is just a rebranding of their existing store).

EA couldn’t beat a crippled hobo to a doughnut laying in a gutter much less Steam with its DD service.

Dang it EA, I can’t stay mad at you for even thirty minutes about messing with the Origin name!

EA advises players to “stay tuned for more information about additional re-mastered Ultima titles in the future.”

Hmmmm, could be gooooood.

Edit: Oh, unless they are just meaning GoG versions – which I appreciate, but I wouldn’t mind a revisit to the old titles either.

They’re still using Digital River. Fuck’em.

Every time I see the acronym SWTOR, my brain translates it to “Secret Weapons of the … um… Republic?”

Getting old sucks.