Orphan Black on BBC America

Over the weekend I saw a promo on BBCA for a new show called Orphan Black. At first I thought, “oh yeah, this is that new show someone was talking about here” but after a while I realized that one is called “Black Mirror” so no, this is something new.

From the ad and the show log (the H in orphan shows a DNA strand) it appears to have something to do with cloning. Someone realizes she’s been cloned and/or is a clone herself? Not sure (and I hate spoilers so don’t wreck it for me!).

The show starts March 30th on BBC America.

For those of you who want to read about it, a quick Google yielded this from the BBC America website.

I’m looking forward to it, but then again, I’m an optimist!

The promos do indeed look good.

Anyone (besides me) catch this show? Overall I felt it was a good start to what is presumably a weekly series. I thought the initial character development was interesting, and a lot of stuff went down (trying to avoid spoiling anything).

Looks like BBC America airs each episode 5 times a week, so it’s easy to catch one if you can’t watch or record it on Saturday evening.

I enjoyed it, though they went out of their way to make none of the characters likeable.

I agree that Sarah starts out pretty unlikable, but I think (hope) that part of her character development will be a transformation to someone we can really get behind. I do agree the “foster brother” (he really is that, right?) feels like some sort of over-the-top gay stereotype. It feels like he’s trying too hard, and he’d be more likable if he eased up a bit.

I don’t think we know enough about Art to really get a feel for him, though it feels like he could be likable once we get to know him.

The show does feel like a bit of a mish-mash of styles. On one hand you’ve got the gritty crime drama with policemen, and then on the other you have the weak teen comedy drama with Victor and the gay guy. But there’s so much terrible television on at the moment, that I’m enjoying it enough to continue watching it.

I think it’s quite good, especially the first ep. Putting the viewer in the position of figuring situations out from scratch along with the lead character is a simple device but effective (see Quantum Leap…). We’ll see if they can keep it up.

Also, good music (including a German version of “These Boots Were Made for Walking,” awesome).

Anyone still watching? Season finale next week, and it’s been renewed for a Season 2.

I’m still watching. I feel like I should like it more than I do, because at this point watching has become something of a chore.

For a while it was because watching Sarah bumble along pretending to be a police officer was painful. At least they dropped that. Maybe it’s that I find something grating about all the clones. I don’t really like anyone on the show, period. Sarah’s adopted brother can be amusing at times, but I don’t really like him.

Still watching and enjoying it. Glad to hear there will be a second season.

I’m really enjoying this show. Tatiana Maslany is amazing. I suspect the show will catch on in re-runs and DVD/Netflix once people get past the dumb show title.

Just saw the first episode, does anyone have any idea if this will be on Netflix or Amazon Instant any time soon, or should I bite the bullet and buy episodes through iTunes?

I think the whole series is still on on demand on Comcast, if you have a digital box. I think the series is worth the investment either way. The lead actress is amazing. The way she makes you truly feel as if each character is a completely different person is so well done. And there are some nice little twists and turns as you slowly begin to find out what is going on.

My wife and I had recorded the entire series and it was sitting in our backlog. Started on Friday and through on Sunday. Once you start you just want to keep watching. There are no filler episodes. The lead actress is amazing. I highly recommend this one.

Hah, I was halfway through the second episode before I finally realized where I’d seen Vic before, as Vaas in Far Cry 3.

Daaamn. Started watching yesterday 10PM on recommendation of Tom Francis (http://www.pentadact.com/2013-07-21-round-up-of-contemporary-television-dramas-about-two-women-who-switch-identities/).

Finished first six episodes around 2PM and the rest this morning. What a great ultrafastpaced show, there is pretty much zero filler, and the lead is just incredible.
And watching Vaas in a TV show is just trippy.
Oh yeah and in 1080p the great cinematography stands out. And I hope they release soundtrack.

How does Orphan Black fit all of those Tatiana Maslany clones into one frame? (BBCA at Comic-Con)

Go behind-the-scenes of production…and learn how the series’ iconic and breathtakingly seamless multiple clone sequences are filmed, in this Exclusive Video from the ORPHAN BLACK panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2013.

Pretty fascinating technical innovation, but the acting is crucial of course.

The tech has certainly come a long way from the old “split screen” technique, with the imaginary line that could not be crossed.

We switched over to Time Warner cable when we moved to our new place. Time Warner has the whole “on-demand” thing, which we didn’t get with DirecTV.

We were looking for something to watch and gave Orphan Black a try. Without realizing it, we watched the whole 10 episode first season in 2 days. Great show with no lag. One of those that definitely works better in long sittings than having to wait week to week.

Anyway, IMDB shows 13 total episodes, 10 for season 1, 3 so far for season 2. Hoping they start showing season 2 On Demand sometime soon. Anxious to see where they take the series

Soon is relative, as season 2 is slated to start airing in April 2014, IIRC.

Definitely one of my favorite shows this past year!