Out of the Park Baseball 22: Take Me Out to the (Digital) Ballgame once more!

I suppose I should consider selling mine while the prices are high, but as a sentimental matter, I kinda want the card. Plus the guy is a slight upgrade for my pitching staff.

Speaking of upgrades: I’m not sure whether to spend in the AH to buy one for my OL team. I’ve got about 14,000 PP – small change by the standards of you guys! My weak spot is probably SS (72 OVR Danny Thompson, who has IF range 90), or maybe my closer – I’m using Twitchell even on my OL team. But a significant upgrade to either is 3000 PP or so, for a decent gold card. I’d like to be promoted, and I’m about 2-3 games below the promotion threshold with 12 to play. Should I stand pat, keep winning tourneys, or buy something on the AH now?