Pandering: Can I get a re-tweet?

If this isn’t forum appropriate, let me know and I’ll remove it…

My wife is a Drama Therapist, licensed as a Creative Arts Therapist in NY state.

Unfortunately, when we moved to NJ almost ten years ago, the license wasn’t recognized by the state.

She’s been working forever to get a NJ Creative Arts Therapy bill passed.

Just last week, it FINALLY passed the state house/senate, and only needs the Governor’s (Christie, ugh) signature. Of course… tomorrow is his last day in office. Barring a miracle, it won’t get signed and they’ll have to re-submit for the next session.

I’m just trying to get a signal boost here, but if anyone wouldn’t mind clicking re-tweet, and hey tweet it to anyone you know w/ a lot of followers to re-tweet as well! It’s for a good cause!

There’s a good chance this will be passed and signed in next session, but the political process is so exhausting it would be lovely if we had a minor political miracle on Tuesday…

If I had twitter or any followers I would definitely re-tweet this. It sounds like an amazing program.