Para Hacer Grande a España de Nuevo – A Victoria 2 AAR

That, and the raw buying of the supply goods. The budget slider is how much of the stockpile you are using daily to raise Army org, Navy org, etc. to their real values.

Do the rebels not have the same tech level as the nation that spawns them (i.e. you)? I forget.

I have been playing Victoria 2 for the last few weeks due to the inspiration of the AAR(s), and I have Answers!

Rebels spawn with less tech than their spawning nation. I tend to leave my army funding at ~20% during peace time and still easily roll over rebels.

Re naval funding: this affects not just affects gain, but repairs will also not happen at the minimum level (30%).

I take the EU4 route and only increase the army and navy funding when going to war. I don’t believe there is any other negative impact in game terms.

However, I try to maximise “Military spending” (at the bottom of the budget screen) to grow the maximum size of the standing army.

Looking forward to the next travails of Espana!

A solid start on the domestic front so far. The less unrest there is, or alternatively better controlled it is, the more opportunities the once glorious empire has of being resurrected. Nobody needs the trifles of domestic politics interrupting their global agenda.

January 1 in the Year of Our Lord 1855

“Cuando muera, podré descansar sabiendo que ha comenzado La Nueva Reconquista. De ti depende continuar esa Santa Obra por España.”

“When I die, I can rest with the knowledge that The New Reconquest has begun. It is up to you to continue that Holy Work for Spain.”

Carlos V 1855

“After we had secured Tangiers and El Rif in 1848, the French moved. Having secured Algeria, the pulled the Sultan into their sphere. Emboldened, he then began to allow tribes to launch raids onto our soil. I threatened war which led to the Lisbon Conference. Little did the attendees know I was quite pleased. The French had overreached and the barbarities of the Berbers was laid at their feet, and the French were forced to relinquish all claims by the Concert of Europe. I immediately ordered General O’Donnell to lead the Ejército de África into Fez and Marrakech and we installed his young nephew Moulay Hassan on the throne.


With Morocco under control, Sulu in the Empire and the colony at Fernando Po established, España was now positioned to again compete with her equals in Africa and Asia. Now the sacred task of reclaiming the Virreinatos in the Americas must begin.

Ferdinando Po the Penal Colony

My days are now fewer; I am closer to the end than the beginning. When I die, I can rest with the knowledge that The New Reconquest has begun. It is up to you to continue that Holy Work for Spain.”

De la Introducción de Mi Testamento Político Sobre la Corona y España para Mi Hijo , Carlos María Isidro Benito de Borbón y Borbón-Parma, publicado en 1910. Traducido por el Profesor N. A. Varonegun, 2020.

Gameplay “Frustrated Reform, Industry and Expansion”


I was able to install the Liberals for a year and abolish Slavery and allow Non-Socialist Trade Unions. Then, they started their stupid Constitutional Convention. Result? An Appointed Upper House (equally selected from Capitalists and Aristocrats) . With a Conservative plurality and significant Liberal and Reactionary minorities. So now we are stuck. An Absolutist Monarchy with no political or social reforms possible as the Upper House has no majority, and likely won’t for some time. So, I can select a government for policy reasons, but no Reforms can be made. Stupid Liberals. Screwing themselves over with their weak Tennis Court Play. I put the Communion Carlista (Reactionaries) back in charge for the whole rest of the time. Best to make use of State Capitalism.

Having said that though, those three reforms alone have really dampened internal revolts and instability. In the last seven years two weak Christino revolts, one REALLY weak Jacobin revolt and one REALLY REALLY weak (one 3 factor until in Barcelona) Catalan revolt. We’ve also had our first three colonial revolts, in Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Each ridiculously weak like the Catalan revolt.

Budget and Industry

State Capitalism has paid off with the construction of factories and infrastructure. We are at least internationally respectable. I’ve focused on hard industry (Steel, Cement, Fertilizer, etc.) and am now dipping my toe into distilleries and wineries as well as Steamers, Artillery, Small Arms and Ammunition. The Budget is balanced, taxes as low as possible, Mercantilism, Tariffs still doing the heavy lifting.


Industrial, Navy, Culture (political) and Army in that order. Literacy is at 30%.

Reforms and Decisions

Not many possible – see the first section regarding self-destructive Liberals. We colonized Fernando Po via decision and established a Penal colony via even later. Seemed the logical location for it.

Foreign Policy and the Empire

We’re going to do a deep dive here, first look at the Empire and the the state of the globe and their relations. We’ve moved up to 7 and now the Ottomans are in last place of the Greats.

The Empire

El Rif

Conquering Morocco via Casus Belli has just never been an option; since I made the Rif a state, and then was able to complete it, I think the game won’t let me conquer more area of Morocco piecemeal as it would become part of Spain, not a Spanish colony. In any event, after having a sphere, the French pushed me out. The event that gave me the causus belli on Morocco for a punitive expedition pushed the French sphere out and cratered Franco-Moroccan relations. I had a Sphere and a CB, and then the Ottomans pushed tem out of my sphere. I then hurriedly got a CB to Puppet Morocco and then acted, which would end the Sphere games, and just keep Morocco under my control politically, and keep everyone else out.

Fernando Po

Africa is still mainly untouched, as the Liferating is keeping everyone out (I haven’t invented Colonial Negotiations yet). However, getting this colony established with a Naval Base will give me the jump on the Scramble for Africa. Very propitious position geographically.

Sulu Protectorate

Not only the islands off the Philippines became available, but a piece of Borneo. We may try to get a rush on the Dutch here.

Mariana Islands

I’d neglected to mention these before, other interesting options for expansion in Asia and the Pacific.

Around the World in a Day

The Concert of Europe

Its kind of interesting. Austria is allied to Bavaria, the Southern German States and Northern Italian Minors. Prussia to the Northern German and Rhineland States. Great Britain is allied with the Netherlands and Portugal (frustrating me there) and is mainly focused on India. The Ottomans have Egypt and Tunisia as puppets and are focused on the Arabian Peninsula. The Balkans have been quiet. France is allied with Belgium and…Russia. That one Great Power Alliance is kind of keeping everything in Europe in check, for now. There was a Polish Congress crisis, but the Tsar stomped that down fairly quickly. No Crimean War either.

The Dark Continent

Lack of Liferating tech for all the great powers is keeping Africa European-free.

Near East and India

The British keep consolidating their presence in the Raj, but fairly quiet here.

The US is Manifesting its Destiny

They have Oregon (not pictured). And they won the Mexican War. Now they are throwing spheres around the Caribbean and Central America. No Civil War yet.

The Lost Empire

The Brits have a Sphere in Venezuela, so our La Neuva Reconquista will begin in…. Colombia.

More to Come…


Infante Carlos, Príncipe de Asturias, died in 1861 with no Issue. His father, the bedridden and dying King Carlos V now looked to his second son, who at 43 years of age is the now-Infante Juan. Known for his support of Liberal ideas (and founder of the Royal Photographic Society), what will the reign of the second Carlist King of Spain portend?

Thanks for writing these, they’re entertaining!

I’m definitely rooting for you against the French!

I find the sphere part of the game interesting, it’s a bit more subtle than just painting the map. It does leaving me wondering though, what happens if you drop out of GP status, are all your sphere’s freed? That would devastate my Ottomans.

That’s exactly what happens. It might or might not be possible for them to get sphered by a great power right away if they have high enough influence (not sure), but you definitely lose all your spheres when you drop out of the top eight.

I think you have a grace period to regain great power status though.

March 23 in the Year of Our Lord 1865

Zapatero, a tus zapatos.”

“Shoemaker, to your shoes.”


“The First Minister {Antoni de Montserrat de Suelves i d’Ustáriz, El Marqués de Tamarit - First Minister (Finance, Foreign Affairs), leader of the Communion Carlista} had planned to keep the language regarding the borders with the States of Panama and Cali unclear in the Treaty of London, thus providing a future pretext for their seizure, using the borders of the Empire delineated last in 1807 as this pretext, not those used currently by the Colombian Government. When queried on the language in the treaty by Lord Palmerston, the First Minister demurred stating that “the accepted borders with the States of Panama and Cali” was enough. However, Lord Palmerston calmly and genially produced a telegram from El Rey, attending an Industrial Exhibition in Paris, stipulating that “the provincial borders of Yaviza, Buenaventura, Cali, Bogotá and Tunja would serve as the new International Borders between the Empire of Spain and the Republic of Columbia.” His knees cut out from under him, and Palmerston sensing the game that was being played, the First Minister smiled and easily assented, saying ‘Well, the King has certainly clarified that matter’. And the Treaty was signed. In our carriage back to the embassy, I could hear the First Minister hiss to himself ‘¡Zapatero, a tus zapatos!”

Hombre Indispensable: Los Diarios y Cartas de Patricio Calvo, Secretario Personal del Marqués de Tamarit, Compilado, Editado y Traducido por el Profesor N.A. Varonegun, 2020.

Indispensable Man: The Diaries and Letters of Patricio Calvo, Personal Secretary to the Marquis of Tamarit, Compiled, Edited and Translated by Professor N.A. Varonegun, 2020.

Gameplay “Reforms?”


The impasse between Absolute Monarchy and the appointed Upper house has continued to stymie any effort at reform. Lots of parties, no ability for any policy agreements. Thus no reforms possible.

Having said that, as you can see there are really no serious rebel threats lately other than the a minor Christinos Rebellion every now and then, fairly easily handled. Soon, probably in ten years, it’ll be time to bite the bullet and put the Liberals in for a year or two and probably go to a Constitutional Monarchy. But right now, State Capitalism is just too tough to give up on. The first time I start to see more serious rebellions (or the Socialists get strong or the Commies arrive), I’ll likely do that.

However, there have been a few events that will likely spike Cuban and Filipino Nationalist revolts. Luckily, the population and economy have been booming, allowing more Soldier pops everywhere, and allowing me to reorganize forces in the Empire. Aside from garrison divisions in Cuba and The Philippines (I usually go for 2 CAV type BDEs, 2 Arty Bdes and 4 INF BDEs), I can afford standing armies regional in Iberia, and North Africa, Asia and the Caribbean Basin (soon in Equatorial Africa too) which will let me have local heavy hitters to deal with any serious colonial rebellions. The Ejercito Del Rif is a nice backstop to the Ejercito de Iberia if anything serious develops at home. Which hasn’t happened recently.

Budget and Industry

Still focusing on hard industry. Investors have been showing up to build factories for luxury and consumer goods. The economy is booming; we’ve seen a 30% jump in population in the last 10 years. The Budget is balanced, taxes as low as possible, Mercantilism, Tariffs still doing the heavy lifting, rinse, repeat.


Continuing Industrial, Navy, Culture (political) and Army in that order. Literacy is at 35%.

Reforms and Decisions

We were able to do Valley of the Kings and got friendly with Egypt because of our Egyptologists, though that hasn’t paid off yet. We’ve also sent an expedition to search for the Source of the Nile.

Foreign Policy and the Empire

Current Wars out there…kinda quiet

We’re going to do a deep dive here, first look at additions to Empire and then each Great Power and their relations, focusing a bit of European Politics as we see it. Anyone with any questions about other little things globally occurring, please ask. I spent a LOT of time look ant and thinking about the global situation for this post.

Empire – Meet the Burgeoning Viceroyalty of New Granada

Acquiring a State CB is expensive Infamy-wise. Once I got it, it was time to chill for a while (been chilling for a few years now), hence the disagreement between King and First Minister in the intro. I’d have liked to keep going, but I’m just not strong enough yet/the other Great Powers aren’t distracted enough. We’ll see more on that below.

1.) Great Britain

Allied with Denmark, The Netherlands, Portugal, various Indian Princely States

Spheres in the above, Venezuela (messing with me), SE Asia, Malaya. Typical GB.

Puppets in many Indian Princely states.

International Imperial/Colonial Presence in: Africa, Southeast Asia, China.

My Relations – Mediocre/Bad I think because of the DOW next to their Venezuelan sphere. I’ve spent some time improving relations, but not a lot.

Overall Comment – Typical Britain with game-starting global presence then plopping spheres everywhere. No entanglements for her, but her Netherlands alliance and Portuguese alliance keep a lot of nations in check on the continent (including me).

2.) France

Allied with Austria, Belgium, Papal States.

Spheres in Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland and the Papal States.

No Puppets.

International Imperial/Colonial Presence in: Algeria, West Africa.

My Relations – I’ve spent the most time improving with her to keep her off my back during the Morocco Crisis.

Overall Comment – She was allied with Russia for quite a while and now is in solid with Austria. This bodes ill for the Risorgimento we all know is coming, as well as for Prussia’s future. It also leaves Russia without a Great Power alliance (see more below). She doesn’t have to worry about Prussia and has a sold ally against Britain with Austria. Its good for both of them.

3.) United States

Allied with Argentine Confederation, Peru, Haiti and Liberia

Spheres in the above and the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

No Puppets.

My Relations – While having no sphere there, I think Mr. Monroes’ descendents weren’t really thrilled with me taking a slice of Colombia.

Overall Comment – She’s been very active in Spheres and Alliances in the Western Hemisphere because of me, and some other intra-American Wars, I think. Having said that she has some bills to pay and unresolved business.

I freed mine…years ago…

4.) The Russian Empire

Allied with Transcaucasia, The United Baltic Provinces, Finland and Norway.

Spheres in all the above; Manchuria, Mongolia, Xinjiang, Kingdom of Joscon aka Korea (eating away at the Qing Empire); Tannu Tuva.

Puppets are Transcaucasia, The United Baltic Provinces, Finland.

No real international Imperial/Colonial Presence.

My Relations – No effort. I think we both have a sort of lukewarm positive relationship as “Absolutist Bros.”

Overall Comment – She seems to be really containing Sweden diplomatically and pushing in Siberia and the Far East (really hard there). However, she has no allies on the continent.

5.) Austria

Allied with France, Bavaria, Baden, Wurttemberg, Tuscany, Parma, Saxony.

Spheres in all the above except France

No Puppets. No real international Imperial/Colonial Presence.

My Relations – See comments on Russia

Overall Comment – I think she is in the catbird seat. She is well supported against the Russians if need be and won’t lose much when (if) Italy comes around. And she is really playing a strong hand against Prussia regarding the future of Germany.

6.) Prussia

Allied with the Ottoman Empire and all the other Northern German/Rhineland Minor states.

Spheres in all the above but the Ottomans

No Puppets.

My Relations – Mediocre/Bad prolly ‘cause Austria likes me.

Overall Comment – The Ottomans aren’t gonna help her in a showdown with Austria/France, man. This feels like she couldn’t get a Russian alliance to counterbalance that bloc and settled.

7.) ¡Viva España!

8.) The Two Sicilies

No Alliances, Spheres or Puppets

Overall Comment – They’re just happy to be here.

Honorable Mentions

9.) The Ottoman Empire

Allied with Prussia, Egypt and Romania

No Spheres

Puppets in Egypt and Romania.

Trying to take Nejd.

My Relations – Mediocre/Bad I think because of the Morocco sphere games.

Overall Comment – Fading, fading away. I predict some serious Egypt/North Africa issue for her real soon.

10.) The Netherlands

Allied with Great Britain and Limburg.

No Spheres

Puppet in Limburg.

Trying to take Kalimantan (securing most of Borneo).

My Relations – They love us and I have no idea why.

Overall Comment – Smart British alliance gave them cover to run wild in Indonesia and get that East Indies empire completed damn quick, they sure blocked me on Borneo. Good Industry. Good Military. She may be the wild card in this world.

Thanks for the deep dive on GP relations, always fun to read where everyone is at and watch as those dynamics change over time.

I see my poor Ottoman’s in your timeline have already been kicked out of the GP tree house.

Always fun seeing the variability that can exist in this game. Austria looking a bit more solid and secure so far in this playthrough than they were for Easytarget’s Ottomans.

I still need to go back and finish out my Ottoman game. I got very frustrated with the outcome of the great war that happened in the 20s and it pretty much soured me on revisiting Vicky 2. Anyway, Austria did even worse in my game as it lost Hungary, and Hungary went and took even more territory in another offensive war or two. Germany eventually sphere’d them and stopped them from completely getting overrun, but they became fully inconsequential in world affairs.

January 1 in the Year of Our Lord 1876

“El hombre más solitario de España.”

“The loneliest man in Spain.”

“After news of the secret alliance with Russia had reached the papers, the King felt strong enough to act. I had left the Marquis’ circle after the Brunei affair, when the First Minister had changed the wording of a diplomatic telegram by His Majesty to provoke war with Britain and seize the Sultanate. But the uprisings of the last few years had shaken his Majesty. He was eager for reform, but to maintain and expand the Empire as well.
Upon the audience in the palace garden, he told me what he wanted; a modern Spain, with no rebellions or unrest, competing with the British, a Great Spain, but moving into the new century, united. ‘This will mean reform, Liberal reform, Your Majesty’, I said. “And the very nature of the Monarchy may change, like in Britain. I have the contacts in the Parties, but this Kingdom may not resemble that of your Father. Once this road has been chosen, one cannot be sure of the result at the end.’ ‘We must trust in Dios, Patria and the Fuerzos to see to El Rey, then.’, he said. ‘Fear not for me. But I fear for you. You will be the loneliest man in Spain, I think, and sooner rather than later.’

El Hombre Más Solitario: Los Diarios y Cartas de Patricio Calvo, El Primer Ministro de Veinticinco Años, Compilado, Editado y Traducido por el Profesor N.A. Varonegun, 2020.
The Lonliest Man: The Diaries and Letters of Patricio Calvo, The Twenty-Five Year First Minister, Compiled, Edited and Translated by Professor N.A. Varonegun, 2020.

Gameplay “You say you want a Revolution?”

Politics, Stability, Reforms, Movements, Decisions

Despite the impasse between Absolute Monarchy and the appointed Upper house we’ve made a few reforms as they became available as somehow a majority of the Upper House coalesced into agreement from time to time.

Trinket Minimum Wage and Trinket Unemployment Subsidies were added.
But its time to change things up. There is an active Communist Party – and Revolution in 1870. Pretty strong. No Mobilization needed, but a lotta fighting. So much it eliminated the Party. I would have begun a period of Liberal Rule (as promised) this last year, but the Militant Socialist revolt that occurred this last year put that on hold. No mobilization again, but even rougher and impacted Cuba, The Rif, Puerto Rico and The Philippines. Thank the saints for Machine Guns and good artillery. Funnily, this killing off of swaths of radicals Empire-wide hasn’t impacted the economy (booming) or population (grew by 25% in 10 years). Literacy is at 42%

But a change has gotta come. Too many movements for reforms are going to make the Militant Socialists a constant threat (630K is a big number to whack every 2-3 years).


This was a period of research “cleanup” – getting caught up in categories I’d neglected, some Financials, Culture and Army non-weapon categories.

Big Events

1866 - The Source of the Nile? Lake Carlos, of course. Lotta Prestige for that one.

November 1866, the US has a reckoning with itself.

It only lasted 6 months or so.

1868 – Crimean and Austro-Prussian Wars

1868 Showdown in Europe

This would have a severe impact on the face of Europe. Let’s just say that only France and Russia won…

1870 – Spanish Gabon Founded

Ending slavery over 30 years ago in the Empire brought some Karma in the form of a colony.

1873 – The Brunei Affair

So, I assiduously created a Protectorate CB for Brunei, having been blocked on Borneo by the Dutch and their speedy gobbling of the Uncivilized Nations there. Despite checking several times, I just brain farted and overlooked a British Sphere. Which I only noticed when I had declared war and found myself at war with Brunei AND Britain. Luckily, Brunei surrendered in less than a month and the British promptly offered White Peace. This was one of the final straws with the King and the Communion Carlista.

Great Power and other Rankings, Changes in Power Relationships, and International Politics

This was a decade of massive change. Let’s look at rankings and see some political changes. I’ll try to walk through what I think happened. Some things look the same from a rankings aspect, but wow, Europe has changed.

The Greats

1.) Great Britain

Allied with Denmark, The Netherlands, Portugal, many Indian Princely States. Just like 10 years ago. Also, now add Canada to the list
Spheres in the above, SE Asia, Malaya. Empire of Brazil added to the list. No Venezuela any more, however. This may prove an opportunity for me…
Puppets in many Indian Princely states. Also Canada.
International Imperial/Colonial Presence in: Africa, Southeast Asia, China.
My Relations – Mediocre/Bad I think because of the Brunei Affair. Working hard to remedy this.
Overall Comment – Britain has stayed steady in every category, her Alliances, Spheres and approach.

2.) France

Allied with Austria, Belgium.

Spheres in Belgium, Luxemburg, Switzerland and Madagascar.

No Puppets.

International Imperial/Colonial Presence in: Algeria, West Africa, Vietnam.

Overall Comment – She’s been allied with Austria for quite a while and in my opinion got the better of the deal. Austria participated in the Crimean War, but France didn’t help Austria out in the Austro-Prussian War. Austria lost Krakow to some independence movement, and Italy (see below) got the lion’s share of Austria’s Italian possessions when she unified. France…didn’t miss a beat.

3.) United States

Still Allied with Argentine Confederation, Peru, Haiti and Liberia. Now add in Uruguay, Nicaragua.

Spheres in the above and the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

No Puppets.

My Relations – Better, but it’s obvious she’s trying to Sphere/Ally the Hemisphere. I’m suspicious that it was the US that de-sphered Britain out of Venezuela.

Overall Comment – The US Civil War gave me no opportunities, and the US hasn’t really missed a beat.

4.) The Russian Empire

Allied with Romania, Serbia, Finland, United Baltic Republics – AND ME.
Spheres in all the above; Manchuria, Mongolia, Xinjiang, (eating away at the Qing Empire). A now active Japan is competing with her.
Puppets are The United Baltic Provinces, Finland.
No real international Imperial/Colonial Presence.
My Relations – I must have clicked accept and not decline to an alliance last year. Oh well, gotta look at that. The ex-First Minister has a lot to answer for.
Overall Comment – She seems to be still be focusing on containing Sweden diplomatically and pushing in Siberia and the Far East (really hard there). She ripped Romania from the Ottomans during the Crimean War, and obviously did a number on Austria and Prussia as well (see below). The Ottomans are gonna get eaten.

5.) Italy

Allied with Bavaria.

No Spheres.

No Puppets.

No real international Imperial/Colonial Presence.

My Relations – Dunno why we are kinda friendly. No effort.

Overall Comment – The new kid arrives at number 5 after unification. The Military and Industry ratings are really high.

6.) ¡Viva España!

7.) Austria

Allied with France, Baden, Hesse, Saxony, Württemberg.
Spheres in all the above except France and also Frankfurt am Main, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Schleswig-Holstein.
No Puppets. No real international Imperial/Colonial Presence.
My Relations – Meh?
Overall Comment – She lost out to Russia in the Crimean War, but still gained the upper hand against Prussia in their struggle for Germany, but the resultant instability now has her a Republic, run by Socialists. And has chased Bavaria and Italy into an Alliance against her. I wonder if France will back her if Austria goes to War against Russia of the Italo-Bavarian Combo (note to self, break Russian Alliance). Her military has been savaged.

8.) Prussia

Allied with Hesse, Oldenburg, Saxe-Meinigen, Lubeck, Bremen, Hamburg.
No Spheres
No Puppets. No real international Imperial/Colonial Presence.
My Relations – Meh?
Overall Comment – So Austria’s situation above was replicated by Prussia with Prussia an even bigger loser. The Republic of Prussia, run by Liberals, desperately hanging on to alliances with small German city-states. Who won the Austro-Prussian and Crimean Wars? Russia and France.

Some Others

9.) Netherlands

Allied with Great Britain.

No Spheres

Puppet in Limburg and Luxemburg.

Secured all the historical Dutch East Indies

My Relations – They still love us and I still have no idea why.

Overall Comment – Building a really all-around solid State and Empire. Her Military compares with Prussia. So does her Industry.

10.) Bavaria

Allied with Italy, no Spheres or Puppets.
Still a Monarchy, but Socialists running the show. I think she’s on the way down; ony here because of the convulsions in Europe.

11.) Belgium

Allied with France and Portugal. She loves me and I have no clue as to why. See my comments on Bavaria, but she is VERY stable.

12.) Sweden

Slowly rising and whatever containment Russia was doing has been undermined by great Russian relations. No Alliances, Spheres or Puppets.

34.) The Ottoman Empire Turkey

Falling apart internally and falling behind. “Turkey” and not the Empire spells trouble. Still has a lotta land too. Tunisia, Libya, Egyptian Alliance as Puppet. But look at them rankings. I wonder what’s gonna happen to her?

I’m jealous, I’m still in the 20’s.

I had the same thing happen with Greece, I’m still kicking myself over that one. Your outcome turned out well though, mine I’m still trying to do something about.

I find the Italians interesting as a GP, they have the same total lack of spheres in my Ottoman campaign yet are also in the top 8. Just feels odd.

Hey, look at that, Turkey! But ouch, 34th. There in lies the catch with being in the top 8 either totally or partially based off spheres, if you fall out they disappear and you plummet into oblivion.

Ouch, that Spanish industry rating.

Double ouch that turkish one!

All I can do is keep improving. I went from 14 to 13 in 10 years. Having said that, yeah, Turkey’s 58 is miserable.

Does seem quite lucky that the British did not decide to keep fighting. I guess you didn’t have anything they wanted?

Is this game still going or what, huh? Can’t just leave us hanging like that, @Navaronegun. :)

I just got busy and am hung up at like 1884. I should get to 1886 this weekend and update.

Excellent, long live the King!