Particularly funny Doonesbury today


Hilarious, thanks!

Half the country believes in an unproven connection, but Bush can’t sell it?

I have no idea if the ‘half’ is reliable one way or the other, but the first two panels don’t seem consistent.

I wasted 5 minuites reading this shit? Ha! Give me a comic strip that has our boys killing them sand niggers!

now that would be funny!

heh, it takes trolls 5 minutes to read a doonesbury strip ;)

good one.

also, some tongue in cheek humor from Three Kings:


 SPLASH -- rubbing alcohol is poured over Vig's extended hand
 by DOC ELGIN, 25, stocky, black, no nonsense.

                     TROY (mark wahlberg)
           You've washed your hands like a
           thousand times, Conrad.

                     VIG (spike jonze)
           Lord knows what vermin live in the
           butt of a dune koon.

                     DOC (ice cube)
           Why do you let this cracker follow
           you around?

           He's a good kid.

           He's a wall-eyed cracker.

           He's got no high school, man, he's
           from a group home in Jackson --

           I don't give a shit if he's from
           Johannesburg. I don't want to hear
           dune koon or sand nigger from him
           or anybody.

           Captain uses those terms.

           The point is, Conrad, 'towel head'
           and 'camel jockey' are perfectly
           good substitutes.


this is an early script, i think they changed ice cube’s name to ‘chief’ for the actual movie, but the joke’s still there.

I have no idea if the ‘half’ is reliable one way or the other, but the first two panels don’t seem consistent.

Well, according to a CBS/NYTimes poll I read a week or two ago, 45% of Americans believed Saddam was “personally involved” with the Sept. 11 attacks, and over 70% think the hijackers flying the planes into the towers were Iraqi citizens.

Crap like that ruins my faith in humanity… that and “Jaywalking.”

It says 'HAD A HAND IN". And they quote neither source nor date of the poll.
Personally I think Saddam MAY have had something to do with it, he’s been known to meet with al-queda operatives, but I’m not basing that on any evidence, just a hunch. I haven’t been snowed by the Bush propaganda machine, I just have a feeling, sue me.

For those who believe, no evidence is necessary. For those who don’t, no evidence will suffice.

I found the Iraqi hijackers thing particularly depressing. It’s well known that most of the hijackers came from our good ally country, Saudi Arabia.

As for what Cookie said, well, it’s the international equivalent of office gossip. Nothing proven, but Saddam is a rather careful fellow. Believable, but no connections made.

Exactly, I’m not using it as a debating point, I wouldn’t advocate war over a hunch, I’m just saying I’ve seen some evidence of meetings, and it is VERY believable.

Exactly, I’m not using it as a debating point, I wouldn’t advocate war over a hunch, I’m just saying I’ve seen some evidence of meetings, and it is VERY believable.[/quote]

Care to point it out to us? Beyond that widely discredited Prague meeting, the dubious connection of those guys in NE Iraq and the fact that both Hussein and Al-Qaeda hate the US I’ve seen nothing remotely convincing. Hell, Pakistani officials are more in bed with Al-Qaeda than the Iraq from the evidence I’ve seen.



“38. Do you think Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?
Yes No DK/NA
9/22-23/02 51 33 16
2/10-12/03 42 42 16
3/7-9/03 45 40 15”

It says 'HAD A HAND IN". And they quote neither source nor date of the poll.

It was a CBS/NYTimes poll conducted the week before the war began. I can dig up more links to the same poll if you’d like. :roll:

If you go to you’ll find the full story. The exact question was “Was Hussein personally involved in the 9/11 attacks?” 45% said yes, 40% no, the remainder unsure/no answer.

Whoops, looks like I was just beaten to the punch! ;)

propagating bullshit isn’t great for your credibility.

I assume you’re referring to Safire’s series of “Iraqi agents met with Mohammed Atta” columns, all of which turned out to be completely false?

Anyone have a source on that 70% number (I didn’t see it in the CBS/NYTimes poll). If that number is accurate, that’s really depressing.

Try here.

Of course, both are these are kind of push polls, but even with that in mind those numbers are ludicrous.