
Delicious frozen peaness doesn’t sound very appetizing when said out loud.


“I come in peas.”

Stusser’s post regarding fruits & vegetables that retain flavor when frozen is excellent. I would also include frozen spinach, for recipes where you will be wilting it anyway (frozen spinach salad won’t work), and frozen bananas are great for smoothies as well, although the outside skin blackens.

It is left as an exercise for the reader to combine frozen blackened bananas with other delicious phrases mentioned earlier in the thread.

Living here in Santa Maria, Where Strawberrys are a major crop. The best Quality Berrys are sold fresh and the lower quality ones are the ones that are frozen.

Don’t eat the yellow peas.

I wish we all had whirled peas.

Of course. But quality in this case is measured in cosmetics, the “perfect” strawberries are packaged in little cartons and sold for $4 a pint, while the ugly or misshapen ones are frozen and sold in bags at $2 per pound. They both taste fine. Frozen berries are fantastic, but the texture sucks.

Frozen spinach is quite good for fillings for spanikopita and ravioli, making creamed spinach, etc. You’d need a pile of fresh spinach the size of a small child to make up one of those bags. But I would never eat it straight; it has an astringency that I find unpleasant.

There was a fantastic strip of Pearls Before Swine that dealt with Peas. I wish I could find it online. It might be in my pile of funny clippings, but I don’t see myself digging through that mess anytime soon.

Frozen berries, and other fruit (like nectarines) are quite yummy if eaten while still frozen. Even melon! I used to get these bags of flash frozen fruit at Costco and snack on them.

Haymarket. Go to Haymarket very early on a Saturday morning. (Though you may be in western MA, if so, carry on, nothing to see here.)