Peewee's play house on AS

Don’t know why but Adult Swim is going to be playing all the episodes of Peewee’s play house soon, I think this month. Guess it has something to do with them running Saved By the Bell for 2 weeks.

Sounds like an 80s nostalgia thing.

Brilliant show IMO.

I have to agree, I remember watching that show a very long time ago.

Mekka-Lekka-Hi Mekka-Hiney-Ho!

what a wanker

Nothing against Peewee, but I’m opposed to a cartoon network that devotes only a small part of their time to mature content filling some of that limited time with live action programs, particularly reruns. This is the slippery slope that leads to the crap that the SciFi channel has become (wrestling?! WTF!).

Strictly speaking Adult Swim and Cartoon Network are two different channels – AS split off from CN a couple of years back and it’s considered separate network for ratings and advertising purposes, even though Williams Street is still owned by CN. They won’t even be airing on Cartoon Network in the UK (it’s coming to Bravo UK instead). I kinda suspected part of the reason for the split was because they didn’t want to be locked into cartoons forever and recent events (Saved by the Bell, Pee-wee, Saul of the Mole People, the “nobody likes cartoons anyway” spot) seem to bear that out.

Strictly speaking Adult Swim and Cartoon Network are two different channels – AS split off from CN a couple of years back and it’s considered a separate network for ratings and advertising purposes, even though Williams Street is still owned by CN. They won’t even be airing on Cartoon Network in the UK (it’s coming to Bravo UK instead). I kinda suspected part of the reason for the split was because they didn’t want to be locked into cartoons forever and recent events (Saved by the Bell, Pee-wee, Saul of the Mole People, the “nobody likes cartoons” spot) seem to bear that out.

So you were the guy sitting in front of him?