I went with a soft anti-Scoutmaster strategy of often skipping boss loot and going for owls and eventually crows instead. I was prepared to end the game soon by exhausting six piles, but I had the chance to buy the last boss and just end it, nice game.
Actually, no, I already had both achievements for going over 30 :-)
Although I have never come close to matching the ridiculous screenshot Trung had a while ago where he had something like 150+ (180+? my memory is hazy on the exact number) in both tokens and power.
Ah Google Drive worked though! But it required one more extra step than I had hoped (have to go to Safari instead of being able to get the link from the Google Drive app directly hmm).
Welcome ironcub! We always enjoy the fresh meat around here. No need to be confused, or rather, I’m not surprised you were since it wasn’t very clear and the faq was plain wrong. I fixed it now so the number of folks in the playoffs at the end of the month really depend on the number that are playing and how many ties we have. So ideally, withe 10-20 please playing, we would probably have a playoff of 4 people but that assumes there aren’t any ties for 4th place. Our spiritual leader Dave likes to be nice and let everyone in to the playoffs;) You are correct that the playoffs will start on the 30th. You should also join the NH league. Dave is constantly coming up with weird ways to do match ups that keep us all guessing.
And this is for everyone. If you need a quick response, please PM me, as sometimes I am not able to check the boards until the evening (especially during the weekends when there are tons of kids activities going on) and I feel bad making folks wait if they need to know right now. The PM’s get routed to my email which I tend to get to quicker.
Oooo wait till u find out… about the 20-sided dice in the game!
The only hero choice you get for SP or MP is when you get to choose out of two randomly chosen heroes for you in the beginning of the game. The hero you choose here, if you so happen to get a chance to play with it, you are eligible for the bonus point.
Mysterio, please join us… And I will tell you the dice in this game feel just like an rpg. You tend to forget your criticals and then remember all the criticals your opponents role. So, yeah, I will probably get lucky against you;)
The boss loots you win are based on the 20 sided dice with a small chance of fumble and a small chance of criticals. The real variation is the fact that you have no idea which of the boss loot you will win when you grab it…some can be super helpful…and some can be duds.
Fun game though that adds a nice twist to the Dominion’s model.