People who need to be hit in the skull with a baseball bat

Well, considering it’s just a rating you get from the test, I’d say that measure would go up or down depending on how well you were able to access your facilities, even day-to-day, based on any number of factors.

If you’re really just talking about some mechanical limit on a person’s intelligence, then I’ve also read that it appears to be very elastic. That activities geared towards mental faculty can improve those responses, and that neglect will cause a decline.

Apologies if I’ve misunderstood.

Around here, we go for the Burlap Sack Beating.

Hmm. Interesting. I really had not thought about it a ton. I just know I got measured all those years ago and, while it did not seem logical, I always believed it was some sort of set-in-stone measurement. I think I will look into that as your explanation certainly is more reasonable than what I have relied upon as fact all these years. Man, how could a guy with a 175 IQ not get that. ;)

I hear some countries have jack for religion and are doing just fine.

IQ tests just estimate your position in the population for your age at taking IQ tests. On the note of whether it really means anything, here’s the best summary article I’ve seen.

I think his point is that in Atlas Shrugged, the ubers don’t diss manual labor like that as being beneath them, so that comic contradicts what happens in the novel.

Whether you think that’s an ACCURATE assessment of what the ubers are like in real life is another matter. It’s pretty clear where Bob stands…

Wow, this couldn’t be more wrong - outside of Michigan, Vegas is the hardest hit area by this recession/mortgage crisis. The house foreclosure percentage is a crazy high number.

I’m only speaking in terms of the idea of a sequel to Atlas Shrugged. It’s almost like the guy read the first half, said “fuck this is an overly long book” and put it down, then made the comic anyway. I’m specifically referring to the I can’t cook I only know how to pay people for alloys panel. That’s not the case in the book, so using it in a joke about a made up sequel made it seem like he just didn’t read the book, making it, in my mind, a limp attempt at humor. So maybe I would add the author of that comic to the list just to get this back on topic…

Your confusing ignorance with intelligence has set you up to be the next in line for a bat whackin’.

Imagine the comic as a reference to advocates of the book, rather than the characters within. That might work better.

Oh, absolutely.

I’m really just referring to the other “smart” kids with whom I grew up. Let’s keep in mind that I was making the point that IQ is bullshit, not the other way around.


edit: rereading your posts, sorry. It was an obvious exaggeration, but these days on the internet you expect somebody to say something that stupid earnestly.

While not its only tenet, communism is the only state ideology that explicitly encourages atheism and in its most extreme form makes practicing religion criminal (the Soviet Union during the 1920s, China during the 1960s, North Korea today). Atheism is a pretty key element of communism due to its view of man as a unit of labor in a material utopian society - whereas religion encourages man to strive for a utopia outside of the material world. Strip atheism from communism and you pretty quickly end up with a state-run economy without the totalitarianism inherent to a command economy - in other words, socialism.

Fascism resented religion as a competing power center but other than half-baked attempts in Germany at creating a “national socialist church” never did anything much about it. Italy sought to portray itself as in league with the Catholic church.

Socialists and capitalists couldn’t care less.

So, yes, state-sponsored atheism is a hallmark of communism. Sorry if it disturbs you as an atheist. Or a communist!

An IQ test is just a standardised test, and the idea that it can somehow measure the intrinsic intelligence of people is laughable.

eye roll No shit, Sherlock. Communist embrace of atheism has nothing to do with why it failed, it just happened to fit with its focus on the material reality of people’s lives rather than promises of mansions and streets of gold in an after life.

Is state sponsored atheism or outlawing religion severely oppressive? Why yes, Lum, it is. No one’s going to disagree there, but absence of religion does not make a state fail.

Edit: And to make may point even more clear, linking atheism the way you implicitly are is like blaming Darwin for the Holocaust. It’s ridiculously stupid.

Well to be fair, I chose numbers on the edge of ridiculous. I could have made it more obvious with numbers like 200, but that wouldn’t have been as much fun.

My watchfulness is just fine.

True, but again if you were actually arguing the point, and consider overpopulation, then setting an impossibly high bar would make sense. And then you get the superelite children a la Children of Men. It might be a self-fulfilling prophecy, if you make kids rare enough, we won’t mind that they can’t play sports and know all the dinosaur names.


Actually, I do think over population is a problem generally. It devalues each human, even if you don’t consider the environmental impact. You end up with giant pools of unskilled labor that society either has to ignore and let fester and rot or find a way to carry along. I don’t mean that negatively. We either need to socialize society or learn to live with the consequences of poverty and be honest about our morality.

Edit: But I really thought putting down kids would have really given the joke away. Heh.

How are you doing with those straw men there, anyway? All I said was, initially, a one-off joke involving Trotsky, and later an explanation that historically, the only aggressively oppressive atheist governments were communist, and that was inherently part of their ideology.

I never said “absence of a religion makes a state fail”. Most of Europe is secular and seems to be doing just peachy. North Korea unfortunately is quite stable (although Juche is arguably a religion all its own - then again, so is Marxism, arguably).

Not sure what post you’re raging about with Darwinism and the Holocaust. It certainly isn’t mine!

No, but you’re the one that decided to take Rimbo’s nonsense allusion and run with it, as if that’s what Hougan said.

I wonder if there really needs to be a distinction made between mandatory atheism and one-religion governments. They’re pretty much the same.