Pet Advice

I feed my Golden Diamond Natural, which is on the Dog Food Advisor’s list. I also add some protein to it, usually broiled chicken breast meat, I buy it in large packages from Meijer when they have their sale on it for $1.99 or thighs when those are on sale. I also give him probiotics, which seems to have helped with his digestion. His stool is firmer anyway. Daltrey just had his annual check up and he is a very healthy 83 lbs. He is not overweight, he is just a big dog. The vet basically told me that what ever I am doing, don’t change it because Daltrey is in perfect shape.

Good looking boy!

If anyone has a magic spell to keep my idiot cat from shitting next to the box instead of in the box, I would appreciate it!

(Yes, we clean it every day. Yes, we’ve changed the litter. Yes, we’ve changed his food. Yes, he’s a fucking moron.)

He may not like the type of box? Don’t you have 2 cats? Maybe he needs his own box? Have heard that can be a problem in multi-cat homes.

My mother at one point had 17 cats. Yeah, seventeen. The crapping outside of the crap box was a big issue.

I got two cats and three boxes of varying styles.

Absolutely not.

We had that problem with one of our cats and I tried all sorts of litter but the only one that she’ll use is Dr. Elsey’s Precious Cat Ultra Cat Litter (sorry for sounding like an ad but after trying a half dozen litter brands it was such a relief to finally find one that worked. It’s unfortunate she doesn’t like World’s Best cat litter which I think is much better, but as in all things the cat always wins.) She still occasionally goes on the floor, but usually when she has diarehha.** (Edit: IOW it could be the cat litter that is the culprit and trying different kinds might work.)

If that had not worked I was going to try just newspaper clippings, during my trial and error phase I read that some cats just do not like litter. (We have six litter boxes for two cats, including an automatic one that neither cat uses.)

**(She relentlessly asks for food and being a weak willed wussy I will sometimes overfeed her. It’s grown worse since we both now WFH permanently and every 2-3 hours she’ll start with nuclear head butts and then finally arrive at keyboard stomping until I relent. I have a grocery bag full of cat treats she’s rejected too. Really regret giving them canned food; we have dry food out all the time but for inscrutable reasons that’s insufficient. )

Also worth positioning the litter tray so it is minimally exposed eg in a corner, and/or under a cover.

Some cats get nervous when they’re in a vulnerable position.

Yeah, my brother and sister and I spent years doing little it seemed but emptying litter boxes. Luckily my mother, who is I’m happy to say still with us and sharp as a tack, now only has two cats.

Well we have some new things to try anyway, thanks all :)

This is what the Wirecutter has always recommended and what I have used for the 5 years I have had these current cats. I don’t notice any difference then any other cat litter, but cats are ok with it, so that is all that matters. I have Chewy ship me a 40lb bag every month.

As Gizmo gets older he has gotten very picky. The only food he will consistently eat is Freshpet. More expensive? Sure. But he’s worth it.

My cats drive me nuts on food. What they like one day they don’t like the next, but will like again the next week. One cat will only eat dry food, the other mostly only wet food. One likes one kind of treat the other won’t touch those treats and likes a different kind. At this point I don’t worry about healthy, and just try to get whatever they will eat. Luckily they have no interest in human food.

Dear God I have this same problem! We have tried everything including different boxes, different litters. It goes in streaks. A few weeks will be good, then every freaking day poops all around it. We also have 2 cats. I got so desperate I got the Litter Robot and put it on my credit card. So now one cat uses it just to pee in, but they use the other 2 litters boxes (when we’re lucky) for everything else. I feel like Luna just likes pooping on our nice soft carpet. There’s a path down between cabinets (near the litter boxes) that she likes to poop down. I had to block it off with a card table.

Ive come to that conclusion. I love my cat, but really wish this would stop. Cat also won’t barf on anything but carpet either. I have chased her around with a piece of cardboard to shove under her while she is in the midst of the barf contortions and that only results in puke on multiple parts of the carpet as she tries to avoid it. Aren’t pets great.

You can get a dog, they’ll clean the cat puke for you 🤢.

And, in many cases, the poop as well.

Half the time my cat cleans up his puke for me as well

Waiting for that hot meal down the road…