PETA to Ben & Jerry's: Replace milking cows with milking mothers

Yes. And it makes you gay.

Do I have to explain how dairy farming works? Just go look it up on the internet :)

I’m gonna have to say, “So what?”

Nobody was going to take care of those animals, and strays are bad for everyone because of their tendency to act as reservoirs for the lyssavirus (rabies).

That article tries to demonize PETA for spaying and castrating animals, too. What’s the deal with that? Is the writer offering to take care of the unwanted kittens and puppies? I didn’t think so.

Presumably some people think that freeing the billions of cows that populate this earth, thanks to farming, is a good idea. Never mind the fact that they’ll destroy all vegetation.

Well, I don’t think that the people running PETA actually believe that, and the conditions that many of these large farms are abysmal and cruel. I applaud them for bringing up issues like these.

It’s not unknown for workers to spend some of their time committing abuse just to deal with the annoying conditions that you have to get used to while working with so many dumb, smelly, noisy animals.

If they weren’t so dramatic about their press releases, they wouldn’t be able to bring any coverage to these issues. Can you really blame them?

So what: because it shows that they don’t actually care about animals, especially, as I have stated before at least 2 other places in this thread, that running no-kill shelters are a completely viable alternative.

If I had the money? You bet your ass I would take all those animals in. Since I don’t, I donate what little I have to places that do offer truly humane treatment of animals.

“The shelter I volunteered for didn’t do that and PETA sucks” isn’t a general answer to the question of nationwide no-kill shelter policies, you know.

How little you know, my friend. How little you know.

You’re kidding, right? This isn’t the Flat Earth Society, it’s PETA - “reasonable” isn’t in their dictionary.

Neither is “hypocrisy,” apparently.

I think this is a fantastic idea and can’t wait for the naming contests for new flavors. Coming this December, in peppermint: Mammary Christmas.

PETA claims that the quality of life in no-kill shelters is so bad that it is preferable to have the animals killed. I happen to disagree with that, based upon my first hand experience with one of the more prominent no-kill groups in California. I don’t like PETA, I don’t like their tactics, and I think that they do more harm than good. That’s my opinion.

ew… doberman milk??

Oh god is Sol Invictus on the same side as me? I’ll have to rethink this.

Oh, fair enough, I’m just surprised there’s no immediatelly obvious good information available about the nationwide overall impacts of no-kill vs. kill. Wikipedia isn’t much help.

Would you like your ice cream in A, B or C cup? Or there’s the family-size FF.

2girls1cup plz

How can I get my wife to lactate without making her pregnant?

Simple. Get someone else to make her pregnant.


krise madsen

Are you hitting on my wife? How much money do you have?

Fixed that for you.


krise madsen

At least he insulted your wife respectfully.