PewDiePie made $4 million last year

PDP is promoting these fools?

Sargon of Akkad
Kraut and Tea

Yeah, that’s a good look. Yikes.

Also, Ben Fritz making bad jokes on Twitter is not at all the same as PDP making them. First, Fritz’ readership on WSJ trends much older than PDP’s audience, and WSJ isn’t owned by Disney. Second, Fritz made his jokes on Twitter, not on the pages of WSJ. Finally, Fritz’ job isn’t to make comedy sketches, prank sites, or play games. His job is to report on entertainment, specifically Disney. Unfortunately for PDP, that means Maker Studios and their employees.

Isn’t Sargon one of the high-profile Mens’ Rights yahoos that was front and center during the whole (ugh) Gamergate thing? Yikes.

Ding, ding, ding.

What does that even mean? Sargon is pretty left-wing, but he definitely was no fan Brianno Yu and that crew during the gamergate drama. At least he argues his points with more than feels.

What does that even mean? Sargon is pretty left-wing,

If you check out his five hour streams he circle jerks incredibly hard on how amazing Trump is, despite constantly claiming he’s not a big Trump supporter and how left wing he is in other contexts. It’s a pattern I see a lot where someone says they aren’t really a big Trump supporter, and then you see their social media or whatever it’s constant MAGA posts.

That doesn’t sound like a good use of time, heh

I couldn’t make it through the last PDP video. The self-absorption and whiny entitlement was too much.

Sargon and Kraut are notorious Alt-Right Youtubers. If PDP wanted to make the argument that he isn’t a Nazi (which again I don’t believe he is) he chose his shout-outs poorly.

Well, according to the President, the Alt-right are a left-wing organization.

People are way too obsessed with assigning labels these days, usually to avoid any more rigorous consideration of what’s said.

Not commenting on whether the people you’re mentioning are right/wrong, just the relentless use of labels to dismiss others these days: SJW, alt-right, nazi, fem-nazi, left/right, commie, whatever. It’s all tiresome.

Sorry. If someone makes their living by stroking the egos of the alt-right or neo-Nazi communities, I’m not going to waste a lot of time doing deep analysis of their material. That said, I’m pretty familiar with both Sargon and Kraut, and they’ve worked hard to earn their alt-right reputations.

And if you thank them and link to their pages, I’m going to assume you approve of what they do.

I’m just happy I’m not as familiar as you apparently are with those communities, terms, or people and can’t rely upon goofy labels to supplant reasoned consideration of what people say in context.

I haven’t seen any Argon of Sakkad videos, can you link anything that would prove he is a neo-nazi devil ?

Btw, even if he is that, PDP still eviscerated WSJ hypofritzes. And him linking him does not actually imply he agrees with everything else he says. But hey, labels, witchhunts and slander are fun!

There’s no need, a label has been assigned.

edit: that came across more snarky than I intended - I’m not even saying the labels here are wrong - just the fact that the actual discussion in this thread was immediately halted because some dismissive labels (which are meaningless without context and familiarity) were given.

Same. It’s just so ridiculously abject. The thought that this guy could “eviscerate” anything or anyone is hilarious.

How can we know someone is truly an MRA shithead, if not with a sworn deposition before God and everyone?

Check them out yourself:

Sargon of Akkad Youtube
RationalWiki page

This isn’t some hidden thing.

And @Paul_cze, PDP has 50 million subs. He’s the biggest Youtube influencer on the planet. If he puts links in his video and thanks someone, it’s specious to say he won’t drive traffic to that person.

And yet that is exactly what he did. Shown what god damn hypocrites WSJ are. Plus…he already has a viewership about hundred times larger than WSJ, but who’s counting…

This is literally gibberish.

Climb out of your insular hole and make statements that stand on their own using reason and logic without other context or manufactured labels that are meaningless outside of your clique.

Haha, okay buddy. It’s not like assholes like Sargon have years worth of public material upon which we can reach our own conclusions of their character.

But yeah, he’s left-wing as FUCK.