PewDiePie made $4 million last year

Whoa, I hadn’t looked at it that way. I guess he can “eviscerate” basically anything then.

Great, I see shit ton of videos, some random tweets and a huge wiki article written by who knows who.
I would like at least one specific video where he supports neonazism or something, in a nonjoking serious way. Maybe I am lazy but I don’t feel like going through hundreds videos looking for it.
I assume he ain’t nazi because he dared to make videos critical of feminism or something (which seems to be one of his favourite topics?)

Not really, just hypocrites.

Pick a video that he made. Any video. Check out his social media. Look at his fans. The guy is an alt-right voice.

Damn dude, what more do you need?

The guy who actually hired third worlders to do vile stuff for lulz is able to make that distinction? Huh. Never mind, as you pointed out he has a legion of bros who will vouch for him.

Alt-right and Nazi have some overlap in their supporters and often both emphasis racially homogeneous societies, but they certainly aren’t the same.

Any excuse to back Pews* as it seems.

*or at the least not have to question his siding with PDP and against the WSJ

Actually @Paul_cze let me ask you bluntly. What is the hypocrisy of the WSJ you see here? What is their sin that makes you so quick to dismiss the bad and appropriately censured behavior of PewDiePie?

I’m not sure how anyone can readily claim being left-wing and subscribe to Trump even on a superficial level. I can use left-wing though right since Desslock used that term?

Seriously though, if this is “left-wing”, I’d like the definition of that term because I suspect there isn’t an argument on labels so much as what the definition of left wing actually means.

PDP characterizes the WSJ as calling him a Nazi. But reading the article that’s a pretty unfair characterization of it.

Ok, I picked some video that had the word nazi in a title, about Punching nazis at berkeley…11 minutes in, nothing that would make me think this guy is a neonazi so far.

Did…did you watch the second video of PDP ? You do not find it hypocritical that the writer of that article is making “antisemitic jokes” himself and then blasts PDP for doing it, in a way that is highly misleading?

No, because I despised PDP before on aesthetic grounds, and generally dislike the YouTube streamer ‘culture’, such as it is. And there is no way I would ever watch another video by that self indulgent little shit.

Understand that my objection to watching PDP has nothing to do with his stunts. Those stunts, however, solidify that my already low opinion of him was, however, correct. So I literally do_not_care what he says. So why I asked you, what is the objection to the WSJ piece, vis a vis hypocrisy.

You respond with the fact that the WSJ writer who (rightfully) pointed out PDP’s antisemitic ‘jokes’ themselves used antisemitic jokes. If this is indeed true, that would be a valid criticism of hypocrisy. Which does nothing to show the WSJ article is in error, I might add. And the WSJ itself is only hypocritical if it peddled in those jokes itself. Were those to be done by the writer on an unaffiliated spot (say his personal Twitter), it does not reflect upon WSJ really.

The double standard, it burrrrns. Also, that WSJ article definitely was in error. Start with the headline:
Disney Severs Ties With YouTube Star PewDiePie After Anti-Semitic Posts

Antisemitic posts. What does that imply? To me, it implies seriously meant antisemitic posts.
Not, you know, offensive jokes. And of course, if you see this headline and want to read the article about what were those terrible antisemitic posts, you gotta pay.
The video we already went over.
Then there is also the fact that WSJ went directly to Disney and Youtube, not bothering to contact PDP until after the article. Such a good journalism there.

Oh and I finished watching that Sargon video (my first!) where he talks about punching nazis and how punching nazis and destroying property is not fine in a civilized society. I agree with him. I wonder if that means I became altright nazi now.

Words have meaning. Actions matter. Flashing a gorilla picture when talking about a black actress is racist. If you honestly disagree with that, I don’t see us bridging that gap.

It’s not like an important point, but I want to note how god damn annoying it is when PDP and every youtuber starting a crusade against the WSJ is constantly screaming CLICKBAIT CLICKBAIT about the WSJ, while their frontpages look more like a BuzzFeed advertisement than practically anything else.

I had to watch the video you are talking about, apparently it was a spoof of Project Murphy and how fucked up it was. He actually says in the video that it is racist.

Yeah, I am not a fan of those thumbnails.

If I punch you in the throat and then say “wow that was a dickish thing to do” does that make me not a dick?

To take this back to games, occasionally indulgently self-aware indie games go all meta and joke about how much escort quests suck while sending you on an escort quest. It’s great that they get that it sucks. But they’re part of the problem too.

I think this is a really flawed analogy. Equating violence to spoofing how bad people on internet can be. But even if you think spoofing that was racist, it still does not excuse WSJ. I get that we will probably never agree on this though.

You still haven’t explained what the WSJ did that was wrong, in the slightest particular. They said he made anti-semitic posts. He did.

His excuse was that he was just kidding, and context. If you accept that explanation that’s fine. It doesn’t make the WSJ’s article incorrect in any way.

Then again… you avoid being affiliated with the next Bieber. Which is a good thing on many levels.