PewDiePie made $4 million last year

I have, you just happen to disagree. And many people disagree with you. It is what it is.

For me, WSJ would do a good job if, first, they contacted PDP himself before going to Disney and Youtube, if they used more accurate, less misleading headline (“Disney Severs Ties With YouTube Star PewDiePie After Offensive Jokes”, for example) and didn’t edit that video in such cherrypicking way.

I do think there’s a significant difference implied by the use of the word “posts” instead of “jokes” – again, I don’t think it’s wrong to feel that neither is acceptable, especially if you’re a company like Disney – but they are notably different. Saying that he made “posts” implies that he gave an editorial or made commentary expressing those opinions, which is a lot worse than making offensive jokes, imo.

If the alt-right makes you their hero you have a problem in that too much of what you do reinforces intolerance and more than that, hate. Right or wrong it’s a thing. If a Nazi group suddenly inducted me into their fan-club I would do everything in my power to disavow them, proclaim how awful they are, and review my material to make sure no one could ever make that mistake again. I would also go on an epic public rant about how evil they are.

Then there’s PDP and co who instead whine and cry about being a victim instead of looking closely at what’s going on and from the outset doing the right thing.

People are getting KILLED by the alt-right. This is nothing to joke about.

Was Adam Purinton a member of the alt-right?

I’m sure using Trump’s rhetoric and brown-shirt tactics is just a coincidence.

Trump didn’t invent racism, nor does his base exclusively consist of the alt-right.

I think it’s a stretch to assume that every racist is a member of the alt-right.

Absolutely. Not every racist is part of the alt-right. However as the alt-right’s core beliefs are white nationalist, every alt-righter is racist.

PDP is not responsible, in any, even the tiniest way, for what some 50 year old Kansas fucker does. That is insane to think. He is also not responsible for what the nazis or altrighters or whatever you call them these days do. Go to daily stormer now, apparently WSJ is their number 1 idol now. He made some bad jokes, he apologized and said he will take this into account moving forward. He said he is not supporting hate groups in both his videos and in writing.
The other thing he did is point out shitty journalism and hypocrisy, which is fair.

No you really haven’t. And apparently you never will. Instead of witlessly repeating “cherrypicking” and “misleading” like some sort of mantra, why don’t you point out examples of said cherrypicking.

For example using shot of PDP wearing faux-uniform watching a Hitler speech to set the stage for showing PDP as antisemite, completely ignoring what video is that from and its context (it was precisely the opposite of what WSJ tries to portray it as). Same with the other shots following this one (wearing MAGA hat, etc).

Plus of course the misleading clickbait headline (covered in previous posts) and actual article content hidden behind paywall.

Pretty sure you became one if you disagreed with the physical violence against “nazis” meme.

I would think that it should take more than a single joke video to have someone being designated anti-Semitic number one, especially considering that label is thrown about at will even to people (or countries) that are critical to certain behavior by the state of Israel. I guess even people who really hate “the jews” would take offence to someone just casually doing ‘bad taste jokes’ being grouped with them. But for agenda based “journalism” (the kind we have grown to ‘love’ from RPS and Ars) I guess the WSJ hit piece did a good job (And all those delicious extra clicks it gathered).

That said: pewpewdie could fall off a cliff for all I care; along with all the other youtube “Hey, its your boy -something- here”-ers.

Reading the rest of your post I think this is sarcastic, but… I am not sure :)

I was :-)

Thanks for clarifying :)

He pointed to a video where PDP himself points to specific examples.

  1. They called him a racist for some content where he is actually pointing out that OTHERS are acting fascist. He did this with some stupid montage of himself as some character watching Hitler footage. This was some rant about Youtube. I didn’t get it, but it was not about race at all.

  2. They accused him of doing a “Heil Hitler” because he pointed at something off screen in one of his videos. This was 100% out of context. The video they took it from had absolutely nothing to do with Hitler or racism.

Also, the joke that that everyone is freaking out about was a prank framing some other website or Youtuber for being a racist Nazi. Was it stupid? Absolutely, but the myriad of ways that the virtue-signaling left-wing army of brown shirts have chosen to take it out of context is astounding. See what I did there? Get it? The ones that are accusing people of Nazism are in fact themselves brown-shirted Nazis.

Clearly you are. You seem to think that means … something. But what? I could get another female friend (I’m female) and a cup, and create something as widely viewed! I’d bet more young people know what I’m referencing with that, than can name a recent WSJ article too.

But what does that mean? I linked this way upthread saying the debate over all this reminded me of this book:

“Influencers” is definitely verbiage from “show business” and “advertising”. This looks like where we are. Maybe we always were here, but now we are better at connecting and exploiting our own weaknesses, it has become obvious.

Sounds like some people are pretty happy to be free from Maker

Apparently, the infrastructure was garbage, and oversight and management was just not there.

Isn’t there a separate sub forum for political madness?

Guess who is still up to old tricks?

Well, of course. The endpoint of this kind of thing is to retreat into the “joke” and double-down on all of it.