PewDiePie made $4 million last year

Disney owns Vice. I think they’d be OK.

Apart from the Jewish stuff making the headline, if you watch his videos there’s a lot of jokes like “Triggered!” and “I would fuck the shit out of that bitch!” where just saying that IS the joke - there’s not really anything else to it. It’s nothing special or terrible, but it’s not surprising it’s not a great fit with Disney.

He’s a douche without a doubt. But it’s okay to imply that because he is white that is why? WTF? Racism is racism.

How that is a reply to me is beyond me. :P

It’s his point of view. If he was a member of a minority group he would be less likely to use shock humor of this kind.

Like I said, this kind of “humor” is as nuanced and insightful as a small child yelling a curse word. It’s entertaining to some people on a base level, but there’s no point to it. It’s just a naughty word. Upgrade that to Nazi stuff and now it’s just offensive with no purpose. “LULZ It’s a joke, bro!” only gets you so far.

Yep, the anti-PC outrage is at peak now, and fueled by Trumpism. They respond triggered to any sort of criticism.

Sometimes the PC crowd goes too far, but this is not one of those times.

Yes, he has 53 MILLION subscribers. More people watch him every week than Sunday night football.

FOX News leads cable news and 4 million people watch it. FOUR million.

Aside from this pewdiepie stuff, I’ve always wondered what the significance of a subscriber was. I’ve somehow subscribed to a bunch of channels, but I never, like, ‘look at my subscriptions’. I don’t even recognize most of the channels. I guess I just press it sometimes to reward good content? He certainly doesn’t get 50 million views on his videos. More like a tenth that. And what’s the significance of a view? How many views are repeats and/or some sort of bot?

Anyways, I don’t think it’s a matter of whether he deserved it or not. No, I don’t think he’s a Nazi or anything close to it. But I don’t think Nazism began with people saying in all seriousness" “Death to [everyone else]” There must be periods of desensitization typified by jokes and experimentation with views. What pewdiepie does definitely normalizes this sort of behavior in my opinion. A person can try it on every now and then and quickly bail with a ‘lol jk’ if his friends/peers look askance.

South Park only gets away with it because they’re essentially grandfathered at this point.

This thread has managed to get me to do something years of indifference prevented - actually watched a bunch of his videos for the first time ever, and…kinda liked them? His interactions with his girl friend are cute, and I actually like his sense of humor and funny voices. He comes across as pretty genuine and amusing - I don’t think he was just in the right place at the right time to earn his success. But zero of the videos had him playing games or even talking much about the industry.

I tracked down the video that caused the controversy and agree with Paul Cze that he’s obviously joking, and very much along the lines of South Park. That said, I stand by what I said earlier upthread - people shouldn’t be surprised that advertisers like Disney don’t want anything to do with that sort of humor or controversy.

A lot of people are turned off regardless of motivation or intent, and some of them question his intent or consider tolerating that content to have negative consequences regardless of intent - as we’ve seen in this thread – I don’t agree with them, but it’s certainly understandable that Disney’s immediate reaction would be to avoid controversy, and doesn’t need to make a more considered review of the situation because being associated with it is just not worth any risk.

Sure. Still, someone who has 50m subscribers definitely and inevitably has a higher reach and will get more views on average on a given video than someone who has 5m subscribers. Same for follower numbers on Twitter and Facebook.

The significance is this. Every ~$50 million subscribers = ~$4 mill/annum revenue stream for the content creator (based on how PDP rolls).

Your habits aside, more subscribers typically means more views and more ad revenue generated. Beyond that, at some point your subscriber count also becomes an attractive target demographic for advertisers looking to do more significant sponsorship/side deals. Alongside that you get more shady people (CSGO Lotto) who take advantage of their subscribers to defraud them in some way.

An audience is power, regardless of the medium. Streamers with big audiences wield power. Maybe they think the nature of how streaming has grown means they don’t need to be held to the same standards as other mediums, but that will work itself out in the end (hint - they will be held as accountable as other mediums eventually).

He was abso-fucking-lutely in the right place at the right time. None of his early videos when his popularity was waxing featured the kind of stuff he does now. It was initially just all jump scares and the screaming at the camera in a silly voice shtick. He was already one of the most popular streamers on YT before he began to diviersify his content.

I actually came in to post that polygon article. Really great perspective on how some comedians can get away with racial or edgy humor. It all comes down to skill and tact. If you are going to make jokes about nazis or disabilities, you better be able to stick the landing. PDP is an amateur playing with fire here. He got burned.

This was utterly obvious to anyone who took even a moment to read about the situation.

DiFranco is another vlogger twat YouTube “celebrity” so it’s no surprise he’d defend PDP.

I completely agree with this guy

And I am not even a vlogger twat celebrity!

…actually I don’t agree with him completely. He called Hell March from RA1 “generic 80s hair metal” !

Where is my outrage about that?!

I’m surprised Donald Trump hasn’t come out in support of PewDiePie - FAKE NEWS!

me too

Amazingly enough, Jews don’t find “jokes” about themselves being mass-slaughtered to be all that funny.

Fucking weird, but what can you do…so sensitive, those Jews.