Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

Yeah, I’m trying TB mode in PoE 2 and it’s fantastic so far. Looking forward to playing more as soon as I get out of my “Monster Hunter World binge” phase.

Just picked up the Obsidian edition of this. I hope it scratches my original sin itch.

Anybody have any starter tips?

This is my default recommendation for any rpg worth playing: look up NerdCommando build guides for that game on Youtube.

I bet you’d never have thought to see me type ‘I’m playing PoE 2’. But hey, I’m playing PoE 2.

It’s too bad that they (probably likely) can’t do this to the first game. I was greeted with a ‘what decisions in PoE did you make’ screen and was like, uh…this one looks good. This one looks good. Who knows?

I have been playing the turn-based mode and I thought you’d really like it.

As for the first game, there is somewhere an official web page you can go to and choose all the things you want, which generates a file you can use to import, if you want to more customize your “import save” but I don’t know if it really matters much, the preset options cover a ton of the most common outcomes and every time something happens influenced by the first game there is a little icon indicating it. I think you’ll be fine following this (really, entirely) new tale which doesn’t even take place on the same continent as the first game.

Now there is a guy that knows his builds. (NerdCommando)

A secondary --but for me primary --thing about his streams is he explains mechanics (in a min/maxy kinda of way, sure) of combat and stats etc.

Bat the game is done. I never actually finished though I have 80 hours into it. This is occasionally what I find annoying and --yes --I may repeat myself one more time: I just wish I started this game NOW rather than a year ago and had all these patches, dlc, and choices (TB/Rtwp) available. Instead I jumped it at the get-go. I had a lotta fun than some dlc would break or a huge patch …etc. I would start over occasionally and then just get sick of the beginning.

I think it may not be RPGs games but an OCD thing I have…

Scott if you haven’t done this start and play a game with the “lose everything” modal from the last game play through. In character creation. It isn’t as good as a 3 intelligence Fallout 2 character but it has it’s charms.

Thanks for linking that NerdCommando guy. He seems to like and explore many decent games. Russian is my native language too so I may not notice some of his problems with English but he seems pretty great at it. Currently enjoying his rant on ATOM RPG and Fallout nostalgia in general.

I have no problem with his english, many people do though. I find it extremely impressive that his videos are basically a stream of consciousness and he still manages to stay on topic at all times. I just wish he’d use timestamps for his videos lol.

But yeah, he’s my #1 resource for rpg builds, along with RPGDivision (I believe he’s Croatian).

@KristiGaines I hear you, I’m exactly the same lol. But these days I somehow manage to muster enough willpower to avoid new rpg releases precisely for this reason. Plus there’s always an rpg or two in my backlog is it’s not like I’m depriving myself of a munchkin experience.

Fextralife has also done some great Deadfire build videos too (the RPG Division guy worked for the channel a bit last year).

I like nerdcommando amd his English is technically pretty good.

His pronunciation is atrocious though.

I tend to read his guides because of this.

He (they? I know there is nerdcommando studios and they are making their own game…) really understand mechanics and builds etc.

Afaik only one guy does the videos, but the studio is made up of two people.

I recently watched his Atom builds and it was really eye opening. Guy drops enough information bombs on you in 5 minutes to completely change your perspective on stat importance, it’s crazy.

Alright fine, you guys finally made me look up NerdCommando. But google seems to be no help. It can’t just be a youtube channel can it? Don’t they have some kind of website where they lay out what you need to know? I found a facebook page, but it was in another language I didn’t recognize (Russian?).

Besides which the videos on the Youtube page are all Pillars of Eternity 2 builds from before the turn-based mode came out.

If you check the “About” on Nerd Commando’s YouTube channel, it looks like he’s got a Facebook page, a Twitter Account, and a Twitch Account. No mention of a regular webpage. Here’s the Facebook page:

I did find that page through Google, but I figured that was a different NerdCommando since the last post was from 2017. I figured some other NerdCommando became famous in 2018.

has he linked any videos since TB was an option? I better check --he knows his builds.

Don’t people like making their own builds? Isn’t that part of the fun?

I think this is certainly true, but there is something to be said for checking out what other folks are coming up with to kick start your own imagination.

It’s one of the reasons I have so many Deadfire builds, I watch a video and it sparks the imagination and off I go. Lots of these builds never make it past lvl 7 or 8 though, but it’s still fun. The multi-classing added to Deadfire introduced an insane amount of options.

Exactly this. Worst case you get a new insight into the underlying mechanics and can build on from there, even if you don’t follow the original guide.