Pillars of Eternity

Wow, $45? And Wasteland 2 is $40? I guess that’s capital to roll into the next one…

I suppose $30 is too low but I never thought much about it.

I backed it with what turned out to be 50% of my gross annual income, which seems imprudent, in hindsight. Be kind to my NPC.

Can I kill him and take his stuff? If so, he’s doomed.

Oh, you had a year like mine!

I backed it on KS because that’s when my bank decided to start charging 1%+3% for foreign transactions.

(Also, KS are idiots and refuse to charge me in GBP even though their new system can handle it, sigh)

Good deal!

That was my support level as well. Most game kickstarters seem to have an equivalent level, one which gets you a digital download at a much reduced price in exchange for the risk you take that the game’s never developed or is terrible. I’m willing to take that risk for only a few projects so far (Wasteland 2, this, and Torment).

Every KS where I could have saved money on the end product, I went for a fancy tier that cost way more than the game. All the little indie projects where I was like “eh, fuckit”, they’ve gone way cheaper than the game tier on the KS. :P

You’re as crazy as your name would indicate, malkav!

There looks to be a stream going live in about 2 hours, for anyone interested.

Yep, I put in $20 also. They got to hold on to my money for a very, very long time before delivering the game. So it seems fair enough.

Same for me , $20. I felt I had to get on the hype train at the time, I chose well.

$20? $20.

Stream is ongoing now and my god, it’s Baldur’s Gate. Still waiting for combat because I just started watching it, but it borrows almost everything from an interface standpoint from BG.

Wow, from the stream, this is clearly an attempt to make BG3, all the way to an upgraded Infinity Engine.

Oops, just saw your post. Absolutely agree. It’s almost eerie.

It looks so good, like Baldurs Gate with really detailed characters, actually the interface reminds me of Icewind Dale 2. I just hope it’s not going to be too buggy to play when it’s first released because I will have to make this a day one purchase.

Better inventory system and the stash looks to be a godsend.

Eerie is a good word for it. I kept experiencing… deja vu? Some type of disconnect anyways while watching it.

ID2 was so good. I need to replay that, never finished it because the last battle totally destroyed my party. I couldn’t beat it no matter what I tried.

They have combat up now and it’s promising. One of my biggest issues in BG was the lack of feedback that occurred during combat because of the transition from a turn based to real time system. So you would sit there and watch your fighter’s idle animation in the middle of combat and get pissed because he wasn’t doing anything. To combat this they added little status bars to each character that shows a progress bar counting down to the next action. That’s a huge quality of life feature for me.

I missed the stream, sadly.

My biggest problem with BG2 combat was that spells had cast times rather than cooldowns. That didn’t work well in pausable realtime. You’d pause the game, cast a fireball, target it perfectly on a bunch of dudes, and then unpause. By the time your dude was done casting the spell, everybody had moved out of the way.

Also non-casters didn’t have much to do. But that was an AD&D problem.

I backed at $165, but I think I got a deal considering how much time I’ve put into Wasteland 2 (which I got for free at this level, and still haven’t finished) and the time that will be invested in this if it grabs me like any of the other IE games. One of the few KS projects that I backed at a price point that I’ll likely never hit again on a PC game.

I was in for about $75, I think. I’m probably not going to get quite that enthusiastic for a videogame project again, but companies I trust like Obsidian can probably still get me as a backer for future projects, and quite possibly above the minimum buy-in. I can’t say the same for most other projects in the genre.

I was in for $20, years ago. Was it years? Feels like it. I didn’t catch the stream nor have I watched any videos, mainly because I just don’t like watching videos of people playing games, for some reason.

What do the backers get, compared to the pre-order bonuses? It looks like the only in-game pre-order bonuses are Boo and some item. Do the backers get those? I’m not much for the various artwork and booklets and such but I assume that those were in the higher kickstarter tiers.