Roberto Benigni’s Pinocchio just arrived here in Milwaukee and… well, it certainly looks intriguing. It did extremely well in Italy, which isn’t surprising, so I was wondering if anyone’s seen it. Particularly a certain web host who once equated his film-going habit to being a fan of the professional football.
The prospect of seeing a 40+ year old Benigni in a harlequin costume is acting as both an attractant and a deterrant for my seeing the film. Leaving me divided and flustered. But, I’m not willing to delve into the psychological implications of those feelings.
I know Roberto is talented and all and his Oscar speech when he won was precious, but I get a very strong “Jerry Lewis with a wacky accent” vibe. I think I may have to take a pass on this one.
Happy Meal toys right now are Pinocchio figurines in support of the movie. They are a little creepy-looking, in that Poltergeist Clown Doll way, and none of my kids or the other kids with us wanted to keep it.
A few months ago I went to go see Jim Jarmusch speak. During the Q&A someone asked him if he had talked to Benigni lately, he answered in a perfect impression of Benigni, “Oh Jim what have I done, I am a 50 year old man and I just made a movie where I play a wooden boy, what have I done, what was I thinking…”