
Roberto Benigni’s Pinocchio just arrived here in Milwaukee and… well, it certainly looks intriguing. It did extremely well in Italy, which isn’t surprising, so I was wondering if anyone’s seen it. Particularly a certain web host who once equated his film-going habit to being a fan of the professional football.

The prospect of seeing a 40+ year old Benigni in a harlequin costume is acting as both an attractant and a deterrant for my seeing the film. Leaving me divided and flustered. But, I’m not willing to delve into the psychological implications of those feelings.

I know Roberto is talented and all and his Oscar speech when he won was precious, but I get a very strong “Jerry Lewis with a wacky accent” vibe. I think I may have to take a pass on this one.

Happy Meal toys right now are Pinocchio figurines in support of the movie. They are a little creepy-looking, in that Poltergeist Clown Doll way, and none of my kids or the other kids with us wanted to keep it.

Anything like this spooky Santa?

All negative reviews here so far:

Pretty strong words, too!

“A movie so bad that it quickly enters the pantheon of wreckage that includes Battlefield Earth and Showgirls.”
– Elvis Mitchell, NEW YORK TIMES

“Lethal for kids and an unspeakable insult to adults, this unreleasable fiasco is a torture for all.”

Showgirls was a least good as softcore porn, on second thought…

It is hard for me to take any reviewer seriously who continues, as an adult, to go by the name ‘Elvis’.

Showgirls had nothing good going for it, it’s pretty bad when naked women cannot save a film.

A few months ago I went to go see Jim Jarmusch speak. During the Q&A someone asked him if he had talked to Benigni lately, he answered in a perfect impression of Benigni, “Oh Jim what have I done, I am a 50 year old man and I just made a movie where I play a wooden boy, what have I done, what was I thinking…”


What all kids need with their meals: A John Wayne Gacy doll!