Pirates of the burning servers

I for one, am happy for the merger.

Being able to field 24 Spaniards in a port battle, or six spaniards for an open sea group is great. On my first night in Antigua I found some captains from Gauldalupe and managed to sink four level 50 brits. Before that all I’d been able to do is solo pvp and catch a few here and there in a speed boat (Which has so few cannons it takes an hour to sink em).

*Havana has stuff on sale.
*No longer do I need to go to Bratica to buy items.
*There’s yellow dots on the map.

I think my opinion is colored on being the smallest faction on the smallest (?) server.

Getting to the point I can afford sinking ships and thus can try different ones. Each new deed gives you three lives to try to kill a Brit. Sink, reoutfit. Try again.

You know, I’m kinda getting sick of everyone busting on PotBS. I’ve been playing for a month now, and I gotta say, I’m really enjoying it. i picked the most populated server to play on, (Roberts) so I think this made a big difference for me.

Thus far, the Flying Labs’ team’s inexperience has shown a bit (patching on friday night?!) but the gameplay of the ship combat, the PVP stuff, and the economy have all made me very happy. This is not WoW, as many have said here. I’m sorry to see they’ve had to close some servers, but it’s not a death sentence. It’s just a consolidation. I bet it’s more fun for everyone who’s moved over.

So, my recommendation, if you want to have fun in this game is to choose the path of least resistance: Play on Roberts as the British. Anything else, and you’ll be pushed around a lot. And everyone hates the French…

No really, it’s not that hard! Having some sort of stealth skill or gear helps, but it’s not even close to necessary. I routinely “sneak” into red zone towns in Frigates, and sometimes in a galleon (for cargo capacity) – and I’ve yet to get caught. The only way in practice you can get caught is by someone in a maxed out stealth rig who catches you by surprise before you can start an NPC battle. I’ve yet to see this happen.

I can understand being turned off by the extreme underdog nature of playing Spanish on Bonny, but that’s a bit moot now that Bonny is dead, and you can transfer where you like.

I’ve missioned almost exclusively to 30 and so far I’m enjoying them far more than the WOW missions I played through. There are more interesting combinations of events thrown at you, I find.

Translation: We ran out of players.

More like: they never had the players to begin with (which I think is clear from the article).

What went wrong:

  1. Poor marketing. None of my WoW friends even heard of this game.
  2. Competition from another “Pirates of the…” game, which happens to be free.
  3. No trial version, and retail box at release was $50. $50 to demo your game? I’ll stick with WoW, thanks.

But the developers were so cute! Especially the ones starting with the letter T.

Well, instead of ending the subscription I decided to give this another try and I’m staying.
The main draw for me is that the ships are simply great to look at. For all the flak the graphics get I like to look at my towering spread of canvas while a baroque internet radio station plays in the background, my ship is gently rocked by the waves and then I blast my foes with thundering broadsides.
Solo advancement is decently paced so I regularly get a new pretty ship to look at without feeling that I had to grind for it. I play for 1 or 2 hours every other evening and that seems a good balance: I gain a level, maybe get a new ship, don’t get bored.

I have also done a few group missions that were fun: You fail completely the first time, then get organized and have a nice naval battle. The sea combat is well done and rewards heavily good planning, organization and tactical thinking over raw levels and firepower.

I have found a nice guild in Roberts, and the server consolidation seems to have been good for the game, plenty of people around.

They mentioned the flop in Spain in those interviews and man, talk about misguided expectations. Spanish gamers are extremely cheap. Other than WoW no subscription based MMO has ever had any impact out of extremely reduced groups. Only WoW or LotRO boxes have some shelf presence, and they don’t precisely sell that much.
People on dedicated gaming forums still to this day fail to understand why you would pay monthly to play anything.
Even the theme itself isn’t very appealing: The British and French look back at the 18th century and talk of heroes. We just sorta think that everything started going wrong back then and those incompetent, pompous and corrupt moron Dons got us into a mess that we are only now starting to fix and don’t bother with the details.
Maybe that’s why I play a Brit naval officer in the game.

/note to self: move to Spain!

Spanish men are very short. If you are taller than 5’8", you will be a giant among them.

That is all.

Not to rip on Eve but it’s extremely niche and uses underhanded tactics to keep its cash flow. I’ll qualify this statement:

Why Eve is extremely niche:

  • Eve is almost exclusively PVP. Everything builds up to massive fleet battles between a handful of mega alliances. The PvE game is a laughable grind, and the “economy” is really just paint and rust.

  • Eve is concept art. Their biggest update just now was a massive graphics upgrade. This is a game that’s promising to have players walk around in avatars but do nothing more than chat and play mini-games together. They’re taking what seems like over a year just to pull this off. It speaks a lot about whether the programmers or the artists wear the pants.

Eve uses underhanded tactics to keep cash flow:

  • Eve happily turns a blind eye toward a lot of cheating, real money exchanges, and multiple accounts connected at the same time. In fact many veteran players will log in with 2-3 accounts so they can have 2-3 ships at once run through missions and salvage everything.

  • In a really bad decision you can’t “level up” really in Eve. You select skills that train over time which means your character’s skills are directly related to how many months you’ve been paying CCP.

  • They go through a staff cheating scandal every couple of months it seems and mostly just pay lip service and announce they’re doing awesome things to prevent it.

For me Eve is like Second Life. It claims to be successful and seems to be bringing in cash but they sell their product in a way that’s underhanded. If you don’t believe me log in and ask how many players multi-account and connect all at once. There’s even an app that runs multiple clients for you on multiple displays.

I’m confused

Are there buddy codes for this game? Because I’m, uh, a tad broke so I’d love to take a peek at this game before picking up a copy.

It’s definitely a period I love, I just want to see if the gameplay is my kind of thing.

What this really means is that EVE is just like every other MMO, ever, it has just removed the need to do boring repetive tasks to level up.

Those sneaky bastards at CCP! Using all those sneaky tricks to dupe people into thinking they’re having fun.

Touche; however multi-playing and real money transactions typically mean a broken game.

Meh, “multi-playing” is something players will do, oh yeah, I bet CCP loves the money.
I “multi-played” in DAoC, which wasn’t considered such a bad game. I bet most people that really like any MMOG can benefit from having two accounts on any of them, I enjoyed EVE with one account, and enjoyed it with two. And now I don’t play it anymore but wouldn’t say it’s a bad game at all.

The RMT aspect in EVE is quite limited, and actually sort of a master stroke. They keep it under their control, don’t fuck the economy and do fuck the 3rd party vultures.

I see now that you also said the internal economy in EVE is irrelevant or something. Oh man. Stop polluting my lovely tall ship thread and go get clobbered by posting such drivel in the big ass EVE thread round the corner.


Multiboxing requires more than one account meaning a game like Eve that encourages it is inflating its subscription numbers. They have even less real subscribers than you think.’

EDIT: You’re right though this isn’t about Eve so I’ll stop derailing your thread.