Hey sorry to intrude in these forums, but I know there is a lot of overlap between Planetcrap and Qt3 readership. Just wanted to let everyone know that Planetcrap will be down for at least the next week or two. But if you need your Planetcrap fix in the meantime you can find some of the regulars in #planetcrap on irc.chromag.net.
Also according to Angie (Foodbunny) and MattG, while morn has a backup of Planetcrap from right before it went down, there probably is no backup of LONSB. So uh… if you liked that game it sucks to be you I guess.
PS - I know this isn’t technically game related but the Everything Else category seems to be a black hole of Cleve.
Relaxation is key. It was just joke. I peruse Qt3 and PC both (when they are both running) because they are different beasts… and all is good with that. They actually talk about games here at Qt3…
As long as you guys stay confined to this one thread, we should be ok.
I came here to escape your tiresome back-and-forth quips. This forum is a place for sober, quasi-intellectual discussion, mostly about games and gaming. Hell, we talk about Nietzsche here, dammit!
Keep your submission bin to yourselves, 'crappers! :lol: