Planetside: the Grind Unleashed

I use a trackball, thats probably why I never noticed any issues with turn rate and whatnot. I never have to pick my mouse up and reposition it to continue a turn or a move anyways. With my sensitivity tweaked, it’s always worked just fine. I can hit spitfire turrets while zoomed in a mosquito. Go figure. I can see why others are annpoyed with the control setup though. It does add an extra layer of complexity, probably needlessly, however, maybe thats why so many pilots are so passionate about their flying. It’s not something that any joe can do. It takes a degree of dedication and patience to do it well

Sorry to hear you left silverlight. you’ll be missed.

I’m gonna go log in and get my air-cav cert back :P

I liked the controls for air vehicles. Took some time to master, but mostly it was all about learning when to run and who to fight :)

But I don’t have air cav anymore. Saw to many stupid things going on on the ground from up there, so I had to recert rexo and help the zerg with my mad infantry skillZ!1

On a slightly different note, I finally made CR4! Only tried an OS once and didnt hit anybody. I did manage to kill an AMS though. Not a complete waste.

I cancelled the other day. I’ll be back though, just playing too many other things at current.

Woot Greg! Good job, bro! I cancelled too.

The core combat caves have a bad reputation, but just the other night I responded to a global for help down there, and there was about 15 guys on both sides. Confusing at first(I had only barely popped in to look around before), but since I could follow other people around it was ok. The system starts to make sense after a while anyway.

I had a lot of fun down there myself…They actually did a nice job of making a completely different environment to fight in. Running firefights across ziplines have a huge cool factor :)

You only rarely see people down there, but it seems like that is slowly changing. Still small scale though, there’s a whole different atmosphere. I got more friendly tells(“Nice shooting!” from guys I killed etc) one night down there than I have the whole time topside.

A fun moment from last night:
Me hitting a low flying Reaver with a jammer from my Thumper. I could just see the pilot going nuts over why his guns wouldn’t fire uppon those helpless troops right in front of him. Next second all the helpless troops turn their MA’s at him and the Reaver goes boom

I know I’ve never got jammed while flying. I expect that when it happens, most pilots get very confused. This one just hovered while pointing his weapons at targets, klicking his mouse, screaming WHY WON’T MY F*CKING WEAPONS FIRE AAARGH!!!111

Arise old thread…and LIVE! :P

oil up your gauss (oops, sorry, i mean guass ;) ) rifles and spit 'n polish your armour. I noticed the latest “In Concept” article deals with the upcoming merit commendations and how they’ll be implemented. What are merit commendations? You could just read the article yourself…

But for you lazy types, the Merit commendations will be an award system that gives you awards and commendations for different types of meritorious service. Things like Kills, use of certain types of equipment, Territorial achievements or time served with a specific empire or for continued attendance.


Some commendations will require two steps to be earned. For example, earning a medal for sniping may require that a player first score a certain number of kills with a Bolt Driver over its lifetime to qualify. In order to complete the commendations, they will then need to make a smaller number of kills in one life

and Medals and commendations will be displayed three ways. 1) In a new section of the Character info pane, a “display case” where you can select 3 medals to display. It will also show all your commendations, and your progress towards any partially completed commendations. 2) on your avatar, where a special shoulder pad will be placed on character models that will allow you to display 3 commendations of your choice. A special area on the shoulder pad will be created for a “veterans commendation” for characters on accounts more than a year old. and the CR’s shoulder pads will be created distinct from all the other riff-raffs shoulder pads ;) 3) implemented later, they will have a dog-tog system that will allow others to view information about you, such as battle/command rank, certs, and commendations.

Interesting idea, which I like. But I hope they’re still planning on making non-combat contributions (driving, medic-ing, repairing) rewarding to the player who does it in some way more than just giving you medals.

I played for a while this afternoon. Had 1 extra cert, so I dropped adv hack and hack and picked up HA and AMS.

That was fun. The JH isn’t that bad really, and if you park an AMS in the right place you can really control the flow of a battle. Kinda fun.

When I get my next BR I will drop SA and get HA, just to find out what the big deal is with that MCG…

I did pick up a Lasher and killed around 10 guys with it. “Hey, I’ll just back up a bit outside of this corridor and be safe!..” Nope!

I pick up AMS every once in a while too (there’s not a whole lot of other good 2 point certs), and it’s kind of fun trying infiltrate one into a good strategic spot, but it disappoints me that it’s such a thankless task. If I were out in my Lightning I’d be doing much better for myself, experience-wise, but the war effort would probably be suffering.

On a strategic note, I’ve noticed the last few times I’ve been on that sometimes we actually do smart things on continent captures (amazing!). What I particularly like to see is when our zerg and another empire’s zerg are clashing around some particular base, but enough of our guys divert to create and force a secondary front that usually sweeps half the continent before either zerg front overwhelms the other. Diverting some of the zerg to the secondary front can be huge, because 10 guys won’t make much difference on the main front, where it’s like 100 vs 90, but they make a significant difference on the secondary front where 20 can mop up 10.

And on a different note…Someone remind me why I never got Rexo sooner? I dropped ground transport (which I never used, not even once) and used that and an extra point I had kickin’ around to pick up Rexo. Now I can’t imagine what I was thinking :P I killed an MCG user…with a sweeper. With all the extra ammo I can carry, I turned into a magrider wrecking machine I can defend myself from infantry attacks, and switch out to my preferred “lets kill that repairing magrider” pheonix…WITHOUT having to run back to an AMS :P The speed hit seems minimal. The added firepower and versatility more than makes up for it. :P Damn, why didn’t I pick up Rexo sooner?

I picked up Scattercannon MAX. Man, fuck Heavy Assault, SC MAX is all you need inside a base. Blow a few guys away, then sit around and spam “I need repairs” until someone fixes you up, then repeat. I’m dropping HA and doing something else with those 4 points.

I’ve had Rexo forever. Dunno how you can do much without it.

Rexo is what it’s all about. It’s the first thing I pick up. The extra armor (not only does it have more armor points, it absorbs more damage per shot) is huge, the extra rifle holster is huge, the extra space for medikits is huge. Unless you are getting into the driver’s seat of a vehicle, there’s no reason to be in anything else.

Well this just friggin sucks. The drive I had PS installed to just went kaput, and I can’t reinstall because it seems disc one has a pretty nasty scratch on it. Anyone know if they still have the trial download available somewhere?

It’s the end of the grind for me. I canceled my sub this morning. (I’ve been meaning to do it for a while and just didn’t pull the trigger.) It was awesome squadding with all you folks, but other games have started to steal my attention away, and $13 a month is just way too much if I’m not playing the game several hours per week, which I’m not anymore. Great fun, though–thanks to everyone who joined the outfit.

Unfortunately, I think I’m dropping my subscription too. I paid for a six month package, so I’ll still be in and out for awhile. But COH has me hooked. I’ll probably come back to Planetside eventually, or when I get enough money to run both subscriptions at the same time. Catch you guys later, and good fighting.

So, uhhh, anyone leaving have a spare disc one? :oops: