Plants vs zombies 2 goes F2P

There’s a sequel to PvZ2 on the way. Not sure what all those numbers are counting at the top of the center image, probably just fun points. I’m sure this entry will be a true follow-up to Plants vs Zombies 2.

Ah damn it. More ways for them to take my money. I keep buying more and more plants for PvZ 2 over time. When they have multiple quests about a plant, and I see how useful it can be, I get very tempted to get it, and since I still play the game every day, that’s 365 days a year that I get tempted to get a plant. So over time now, I own a lot of them, even though they are usually around $5 a plant.

But of course, if they call the game PvZ 3, I won’t own any of those plants they have for sale in the new game anymore.

The resurgence of new content during the last 6 months or so has been a double-edged sword. On the one hand, yay, more plants vs zombies 2! New ways to play (Arena). New types of plants (Mints) that enhance existing plants! And now, last month, a whole new category of plants, the first of which is the blueberry wine, which you can set on top of an existing plant. So you can lay down a sunflower, for instance, and also lay down a blueberry wine on it that shoots at enemies from that slot. It doesn’t do much damage, but hey, it’s more firepower against zombies from a slot than was happening otherwise.

Still, on the other hand, I’m having to spend a LOT more time playing this damn game in order to get all these new free plants and to level them up. The way they setup arena mode, if you don’t have your plants leveled up, you don’t really stand a chance against the more powerful enemies you fight there. I get so jealous of seeing people online setting down their water balloon plant and how it always fires the biggest water balloon, while mine only fires the medium balloon, because mine is level 6 and theirs is level 7. But it will take forever to play enough to get enough gems in order to buy enough pinatas that might contain enough water balloon cards to level up the water balloon to level 7.

In other words, yes, it’s a great game now with all this new content, and the new plants they keep coming up with are really neat. But the free to play grind mechanics are just making it so that I resent having to keep playing so much every day.

I played a lot of this game for a long time but it started feeling like ten pounds of fecal matter in a five pound bag, so I went back to the first game for my vegetable defense satisfaction. That game is a stone cold classic.

I’ve been purposely going cold turkey.

Currently they’re running a month-long thing to unlock a new plant, as usual. So I should be playing every day, trying to get enough winning Arena points to unlock this thing and to level it up. But I want to get away from this game. So in the last 3 days I haven’t logged in at all.

It’s hard to give up on these free to play games man. It’s like an addiction, you need your daily fix to unlock things and level shit up.

Luckily, the plant to unlock this month is terrible. It’s basically like the boxing melee plant, but it also slows down the enemy at the same time. Booooring. So it’s an easy one to actually try to go cold turkey on.

PvZ 3 has been soft launched, including in the UK. My expectations are very low, but I might as well give it a go.

I hope it’s better than PvZ 3 from 4 years ago 4 or 5 posts above yours, that one I couldn’t take very long, it was a hot mess.

Well, so far, about 8 levels in, it plays pretty much exactly like PvZ 1 in-level, though with a very slow roll out of features and a slightly simplified sunshine system. Only four plant types and two enemy types so far. But I can already see things like temporary bonuses and multiple currencies waiting for me to get out of the starting missions, and the “story” is unnecessarily gamified in a way that is clearly going to be monetised and/or time gated down the line.

I’m going to assume that since it’s a “soft launch” we’re talking about a free-to-play mobile game here? Taking PvZ that direction is one of the greatest crimes ever perpetrated in gaming, as far as I’m concerned. (And to be clear, I’m not fundamentally opposed to F2P games.) The only consolation is that the original is basically a flawless game, so we don’t really need sequels anyway.


Of course. You didn’t think they’d make a real game, did you?

It made me sad to read some of the latest Google Play reviews of PvZ2 today. I stopped playing it about 5 years ago, so I’m not familiar with the how it is today, but reviews mention that it’s still a great game, but that it’s completely full of ads and another mentioned that it has more ads than any other game they’ve ever played.