[Play by Post] Better Angels - No Soul Left Behind

It’s basically combat, so there are actually rules about when stuff goes off (or there are in other ORE games, I am not 100% sure this version works the same). You would band together with your family against other demons but you shouldn’t feel any particular qualms about fighting family members, especially when they pose a direct threat to your host (but non-violent solutions are possible). I will try and answer more when I get home but no promises, holidays and all.

If I’m not mistaken, you should be able to add devious to this roll because of the aspect. Actually, now that I think about it, this is a mental action not social, so I think that’s wrong. Never mind! @malkav11?

And I totally agree with Craig said above, re: retcons. Just say what you are doing with the understanding you might get interrupted before you can. They way I’ve seen this done best with this format is that the gm makes a reprise post at the end of a round describing what actually happens, pasting together the various bits.

So you would get something like:
Player 1: I gleefully smash the jolly, red, candy-like button and shout “success!”

Player 2: I tackle him with a roll of 17

GM: “Bob leaps to smash the history eraser button but Joe knocks him off his feet just in time”

So, until the GM confirms a stated action, it isn’t set in stone. That way, everyone has a chance to respond properly

Alex invoked

“What! No, that’s disgusting”

The Leecher


Alex invoked

" uh, yeah. I’m surprisingly ok with that at the moment. "

Alex watches in awe as the Superintendent strides forward, looking like some kind of freakish living statue thing. And some woman, a teacher maybe, drifts forward like she’s made of fog.

“Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.”

Is cowardice a sin?? ;P

I’m sure if one of us were to stand by twiddling our thumbs while innocents were slaughtered, when we could have easily prevented it, it would be, but in this situation, Alex’s response is pretty reasonable, IMO. He has no idea what he’s really capable of yet, and unlike Thomas or Brad, not one to seek out confrontation.

Nah, not the time to discuss this yet. Let’s wait till the scene is over and then argue according to what happens. It was just a tease.

Sorry, I tend to trash talk a little in these games. Just in jest, but if you guys don’t like it I will keep to IC.

Not so much that Thomas is one to seek out confrontation as much as, to Thomas, this school is his big moment to move up in the world. His point of pride. Threaten that, and his ambitions demand he protect that status.

They just blew a hole in his school wall, threatened a bunch of kids, and now look like ready to start killing. That doesn’t look good, super villains or no. So Thomas may or may not be thinking clearly.

He’s not out for blood, yet. But he just knows something big is up, and at the moment that is all he needs to make him look good.

I’ll let Misguided speak for himself, but I’m totally on board with friendly ribbing.

Oh yeah, it’s totally fine. I know what he was doing.

What I meant re:Thomas is that I suspect he’d feel a whole lot more comfortable getting into an argument or staring down some wackaloon than Alex. Alex is a scientist. He’s more comfortable around lab equipment than people. I’d imagine a super like Thomas has to deal with people trying to tell him how to do his job or what’s best for their little darling on a daily basis and is much more comfortable with interpersonal stuff. And in this game confrontation doesn’t just mean physically.

Ok gotcha. Then yes, yes he is much more comfortable with conflict ;)

This is basically Thomas right now

One more question for the group as much as malkav:
Should we really be so quick to throw off our “disguises” and present our super selves while all these kids and whatnot are around? I mean, don’t we need a secret identity and aren’t we going to lose that? Specifically for @malkav11: how much attention do the “running around people” seem to be paying to us? Secondly, when we take our aspect, do we still look like ourselves otherwise? Like will Brad be FLAMING Brad, or FLAMING FLAME Man?

Well, I was already in ghost form, so nothing can be done about it. Hopefully in the chaos nobody noticed.

Two things:

One Brad and Thomas had their aspects activated for them. So, while obviously potential trouble, this wasn’t really his choice.

Second? Thomas will be a little less worried about that since he basically has a built in neuralizer. Smile for the camera people! (also he can conjure up psychic objects to distract).

I would also imagine the panicked flight out, followed by the equally if not more panicked return, after explosions? It is entirely plausible that most people would be hard pressed to have an accurate recollection.

Actually, no. Thomas was given the opportunity to ask for assistance. T-dub said it would be activated if Thomas approved.

Alex had it forced upon him as well.

OK, I wasn’t sure if you were going through with that or not because you said you would wait for the answers. So then,

  1. Does Brad still look like Brad?
  2. What do I shift since he forced activation? Or what is it he rolls?

Ok, fair distinction.

Table talk in this game is weird. Should we table talk our characters (hey guys, let’s keep it quiet so we keep our secret identities) or our demons (everybody, now that there are witnesses, activate everything!!!)?

Yeah, I suppose I never did go back to that. So my lazy ‘I already have this written, I’ll probably still do it’ post bites me again ;)