Pokemon GO - Ingress and monster collecting

Niantic and Pokémon Company teaming up with Nintendo’s oversight.

The Bluetooth pokeball fobs are an optional accessory.

No idea on price or if it will come to the US.

Best use of bullshots ever.

When people ask me why I think AR (holo lens plus whatever else it evolves into) is going to be the big thing I describe something very similar to this trailer as the killer app for gaming.

Unless, of course, it leads to an unexpected number of traffic related deaths…

Killer app, indeed.

Nah. If it’s like Ingress, it’s going to demand too much movement (like actually moving from point A to B) to be really popular among kids. Most kids don’t have the freedom to just wander around city blocks hovering up virtual map points.

Personally, I found the requirement to move around what made Ingress novel and interesting. It also made it impressive when folks actually captured huge areas.

Like when that group managed to suddenly capture the entire country of Indonesia. I personally took a saturday at one point and drove around, and ended up setting up a massive field that covered most of Pennsylvania.

Eventually though, it got kind of boring and repetitive.

I think it’d benefit from better Android Wear integration, making it easier to play without pulling your phone out.

It’s actually the kind of game which really could, potentially, create a real market for some kind of augmented reality device like google glass. If a game like ingress (or Pokemon) could easily overlay stuff from the game world onto the real world (as they imagine in their trailer), that really would make it awesome. Having it just be seamlessly integrated into normal events would be amazing.

For instance, if I could see the ingress portal that’s on the corner while I ride past it on my bike, I’d be way more likely to stop and play Ingress.

Or it would be pretty cool to integrate into some kind of workout mode. A few tweaks and it would be a great way to encourage people to extend their run.

This just came to Android. It’s going to be a problem.

This is a bit annoying. Apparently I totally missed the bit where the professor told me that I could choose my starter. Instead, I just went with the first one I saw.

My kids are actually heading out to the lake tomorrow to find some. Works as advertised.

It’s weird seeing so many people walking around with their phones out.

Well I, out of an abundance of curiosity, decided I was going to download it.

Then I discovered it requires iOS 8.0, I’m on 7.4(5?). I have an iPhone 4, and am such unable to load 8.0.

That’s probably for the best, I suppose.

Initial word of mouth has me thinking this will be big, very big.

Yeah, this game has me scoping out local parks and landmarks, and… walking to them.

If I had kids, this would be a hell of a way to get them outside.

Pretty sure Niantic didn’t think it would be this big either.

Almost makes me wish I lived in a walking city.

But then I remember I hate walking.

And Pokemon.

Yet still some part of me wants in on the fun!

I’ve got one, and believe me this was a thought.

Granted going with me on a run or bike ride is one of his favorite things in the world, so it’s not an issue :)

This looks pretty amazing. It will be very interesting to see how it’s received. It could lead to a whole slew of F2P-style map-based AR games where the money comes from cosmetic items and additional unlocks. It could also make vacations more interesting. “Look dad! There’s a charizard on Abe Lincoln’s lap!”.

One thing for sure, I bet carriers are loving it, as mobile data use will spike for owners of the game.

Just curious, but how important do people feel the in-app purchases are for this?

While Fitbit has helped gamify walking – something I sorely need to do more of, surely – this, THIS Pokemon Go thing brings me out of the house in the first place. Great stuff, shockingly.