PolitiScales. Where do you stand?

It is pretty obvious: Someone should run a Die Macher forum game. There is even a Vassal module: http://www.vassalengine.org/wiki/Module:Die_Macher

Socialism · Humanity · Justice

Of course, for me this test lacks so much in depth and subtlety that it is hardly all that different from judging my political views based on my Zodiac sign. But anyway…

Ah yeah, also Pragmatism. Because why not? ;)

There’s obviously one true answer:

Liberté - égalité - fraternité

Yeah, it’s obnoxious because so many of the answers are conditional.

‘Do you support protecting native (not the term they used, can’t recall it) land from development over jobs’

What does that mean? Are we talking about protecting a national park from oil drilling? Well absolutely then! Do you mean keeping the identity of some farm community intact and propping up their current form against technological and cultural change? No, I don’t.

Exactly. I was “neutral” in a LOT of stuff because there was no nuance whatsoever, because my answer would be “well, that depends on a LOT of details”. On one hand, I understand it’s a limitation of such questionnaires and all, but that also means that the results are far less trustworthy than they propose to be.

Those are my 3 in order as well.


Yeah, the lack of nuance really kills these things.

Justice · Revolution · Socialism

Things need to change to stay the same, things need to change to move forward. Thigns that don’t change are just dying slowly. So change is a necessary of life. Progress or dead.

Also, no human is better than other, and we must work to make everyone life better, not just a small group of people.

I think I want to try it again but answer the way a Trump follower might. Just for S&G.

Socialism · Humanity · Equality

I don’t know the results, but I’m pretty sure “Pragmatism” will be there as well. ;)

Some of these questions are so … leading.

Hormonal differences can explain some differences in individual characteristics between women and men

So sure, yeah it explains the genitals you have for example. But we are also aware people use this to justify the existing wage disparity and perceived role genders have in society, so… How am I supposed to vote?

This is a French poll, isn’t it? The question about increasing legal limit of hours worked.

Anyway I am pink.

Humanity · Equality · Socialism

Oui. It’s made by French “people who identify with the left”.

It was an interesting poll, but is still more of a novelty. A lot of the questions deal with things that simply don’t have a good answer without a lot more information, unless you are a hard core ideologue.

One interesting thing is that the progressivism vs conservatism axis is definitely not the normal US measurement, but more in line with the technical definition regarding willingness to accept change.

Justice · Humanity · Equality
And dur, Pragmatist of course.

I don’t have any axis, just a purple square. Does that mean I am so far off in the fields I don’t even register or a display error…

I guess I am not pragmatic.

I did exactly that, to the logical extreme, putting in answers that would match a fascistic, Cernovich/Gorka/Bannon worldview.

And the results I got on the topline that everyone’s sharing are so vague as to be unconstructive.

You have to scroll down to see the pragmatism tag.

I know. I wasn’t.