PolitiScales. Where do you stand?

And these are the results of my little experiment.

Work · Order · Fatherland


Pink rectangle on my sleeve. Let me know the truth, let me know the truth.

I wanted a cool flag, but I guess my ideals don’t allow for that. Is there no room for fashion in politics? Yassir Arafat thought there was.


Humanity · Work · Justice

Work · Humanity · Justice

Basically centrist according to a left-leaning poll - sounds about right. If I had a flag it would probably be solid grey.

Learned a new word from that alt-reich profile:

Complotism : the biggest problems of our society are the work of a small group of people. It is then essential to find them, inform the people of there objective and neutralize them.

Doubleplus feelgood

I did it while in bed this morning, and I am apparently a leftist monarchist? Well, that sure is a change from the ambient pragmatism.
I answered a bunch of question with hesitation though, as with the awkward phrasing and double to triple negationning, I wasn’t sure what they were asking.

Equality · Justice · Ecology, and pragmatism

But except for Constructivism & Regulationnism which hit 40%, most of my response bars were neutral white, with low 30s or less of opinion on either position. Not that I don’t have opinions but the questions are so vague, that it was hard to be absolutist about most. I don’t know if Ecology is because I’ve spent a lot of time as a country farmer, or funny because of that?

I am a pragmatic moderate who thinks there should be rules that make sense, so I guess it is accurate enough.

I don’t understand what these ratings are supposed to mean. Are they mutually exclusive? Can they be plotted on a chart?


Never mind. Help page:

Well that was fun.

I’m work, justice, revolution.

Not sure what any of it means.

Fatherland. Family. Order. I guess Im a fascist

Humanity · Equality · Justice

I got roughly 30/30/30 for most categories, which speaks either to my own nature, or to the vagueness of the questions. I did manage to get 0% laissez-faire though, so I guess that’s something.


It’s weird that this is literally the only thread that he even viewed.

And his memes weren’t even dank.

When you’re a fascist, you want everybody to know you’re a fascist.

And then you vote Republican.

This thread is a bit of a ecochamber of people that believe in justice.

Order . Humanity . Work
And “additional characteristic” of pragmatism.

Okay, I bit. Not sure how I fell about being told my priorities are Work, Fatherland, and Order. I like to think of myself as relatively progressive, but those descriptors make me sound like a fascist! I guess I hit nationalism, capitalism, and reformism harder than I would have thought.

Here’s my report:

Please don’t tell my liberal friends!


Why do I get the feeling that, if I retook this today, revolution would be at 105%?

I always knew you were a rabid right-winger at heart, Tom!