Poll reveals best/worst states -- This is the thread for pointless debate

I considered mentioning this. But I prefer that you did. ::fistbump::


Before only opened this, I said to myself I bet Connecticut is 25th because no one has any strong feelings about Connecticut.

I was so close

If they just spelled it correctly. Conettycut.

This is only because Texans have to constantly talk up their state to justify the irrationality of living there. Whenever I think of Texas I think it’s so large, there must be some part of it that has some natural beauty, but no, there really isn’t. It’s like Arizona without the north or a sadder, more dilapidated version of New Mexico, except for Houston, which is like Florida with more pollution and traffic jams.

Then why is California not number one?

If Texas didn’t have Austin I could write off the state but man - Austin is awesome.

Depends what you like. If you like great natural landscape then it should be, at least the panhandle. If, on the other hand, you like redneck actual white supremacists then it still should be! Idaho’s got it all!

Maybe the votes were for the state itself and not the people? I mean NC has a nice climate and some variety of regions (even if the beaches aren’t great beaches and the mountains aren’t impressive mountains).

Maybe I misunderstood the poll results, but they said that people tended to pick the state they were “from”, not the state where they lived. California is like 25% transplants from elsewhere.

Also, because most of us Californians can agree, California is a great place to live…assuming you can afford it. If you can’t, it’s a daily struggle.

You know what, living in PA, I am pretty happy with 17th place. Sure most of our fair state is pennsyltucky, but in the south, we’ve Gettysburg, and Lancaster, and you can go Apple Picking. In the West, we have the city with the most Cannels in the World, and in the East is Philadelphia, which has some great history, and great cheap food. It’s a bit rough, but I guess we can call it Character.

Nah, I’ll take 17th as a win. Not because PA isn’t better then 17th place, but because other people just don’t know any better.

Oh, and we have 4 seasons, which is, in my book, a plus.

Texas is an acquired taste, but after you spend a few decades here you learn to appreciate the unique natural beauty that it has to offer. For example, consider the Ash Juniper, our unofficial state tree:

Ugly? Yes. Stunted? Yes. Invasive and impossible to eradicate and bad for the water table? Yes. Releases massive, choking clouds of pollen? Yes. Surprisingly flammable? Oh yes. Despite that though, it has its charms.

Ohio felt like a solid middle of the road state but eh, 33rd isn’t terrible and beats out the rest of the non-Chicago Midwest. There’s a little bit of everything here though I suppose outside of the I-71 corridor there’s a lot of cow country.

If I owned Hell and Texas, I’d live in Hell and rent out Texas.

Whenever I’m talking about Connecticut online I refer to it as “one of New England’s top five states” because it’s fun to see which state’s residents get defensive about how I might be calling them sixth.

Looking at the list, it turns out CT is actually top four!

I found this version of the poll far more interesting. California is quite the polarizing state.

So New Jersey is the lowest-ranked blue state for Democrats.

Also, Alaska at 14 defies the idea these are winning from their own population. I think it should be #1

“South Dakota #22

Yeah. No.

I don’t understand how Oregon can be above Washington on any list. What did a few people watch a couple episodes of Portlandia and Grimm and call it good? Heh even some the people who like Portland live across the river.

Seems you’re not alone 👍


My mom is from NJ. Having spent time there, I wouldn’t live there for any amount of money. But for me that’s true for most states.

I live in NH. Whatever else it has going for it - easy access to Boston, the ocean, and what passes for mountains in the Northeast - the winters suck (I hate cold. And snow. Of which we have an abundance.)

If I could live anywhere though without family obligations and cost, it would probably be Hawaii (not Oahu though.)

Expand that to the world? New Zealand or somewhere in French Polynesia.