Preppers: It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

haha, what?

Ahh crap, really? How on earth did I not remember that.

Hmm, I see I was off a bit, should be 28 Days Later.

Apparently 28 days is a Sandra Bullock alky movie.

Preppies? Never mind


Edit: Fixed my image

I know this is an over-reaction, but I just picked up a box of N-95 masks and a huge container of protein powder. Not sure if I feel more secure, or just dumb for wasting some coin :)

Being careful is never dumb. I still have a case of MREs in my closet. They are at rheir prime for 5 to 7 years, so 2022/2024.

They’re also handy for when you run out of shit to eat and get hungry at 3am.

You have no idea. :)

A couple of containers of protein powder + whatever carbs you probably already have in the pantry: pasta, pancake mix, oatmeal, whatever, is probably all you would ever need for food. Not a healthy diet but not much less healthy than the average american diet, honeslty.That and make sure to renew your prescriptions on time.

I just got about $180 worth of groceries. It’s going to take a while to eat through that, since most of it is canned veg, dry or condiments. OTOH I did end up with some of those supposedly all beef frozen patties which I’ve never tried before. Also picked up a can of Spam - literally haven’t tried Spam since I was about sub 10 yr old. With a frozen smoked turkey, 4 lbs of frozen burgers (again, never tried frozen uncooked burger patties, so why not?), 3 lbs of frozen chicken, and about 40 frozen quail, along with tons of frozen spinach and canned veg with a few pounds of various dry rice and beans, my family will be fine if we have to stay indoors for a few weeks. Other than the stir crazy thing.

Neither have I, and I used to actually like it. Browned in a frying pan and served on toast, I think.
Can’t remember why or how I stopped eating it completely. I mean, I haven’t even given a thought to buying any in the last 40 or 50 years. I may have to consider it now, as I wonder if I’d still like it.

They’re surprisingly quite edible, but I do recommend at least frying them first.

Why not just buy a cow? Then you get many pounds of beef, lawnmower and fertilizer all in one!

Okay, so seriously, here in the US, should I be stocking up on essentials in anticipation of some sort of quarantine (or quarantine-fear) induced shortages or restrictions?

I’m not the prepper type, but I’ve got a friend who’s advocating pretty hard that everyone should be stocked for a month of supplies, and I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that. A huge bag of rice and some toilet paper?

Internet, tell me how to think and what to buy!

I already made my suggestion.

The extra weight I’ve been carefully packing around my waistline for the past 10 years has left me in a good position to ride out any food shortages! I’m the ultimate prepper. Who needs closets of MREs when you can carry it with you?!

It’s really the non-perishable things you enjoy already but 15-20x the quantity in cans and frozen.

How large is your freezer? Since we’re likely not talking full on prepper, you can probably count on electricity, so get frozen things of perishables, again that you enjoy - things like frozen corn, peas, spinach, meat, fish, etc.

I think the whole thing with covid-19 is you want to basically hole up in your abode for 1-2 months to limit contact.

Also - get some of these for when you absolutely have to go out. Fuck the other crap. Go commercial. BTW - These are cheaper & readily available at commercial paint stores. It’s better so you can see which size you need.

with these filters

None of you guys with masks are gonna mutate and develop superpowers, is what I’m saying.

But they will have to fight off those of us who have!

At the minimum you want to have enough food and supplies on hand to be able to ride out any shortages that will cause the hordes of desperate people to pack the grocery stores. Starting now, can you go 3 weeks without a trip to Wal-mart or Whole Foods? If not, make a list of what you will need, get it and set is aside. Don’t touch it except in time of crisis. If you still have it 5 months from now, rotate it into your normal pantry to consume and then replenish. I would not expect the supply chain to break down completely but there may be some feast and famine surges and you want the luxury of resupplying when things are normal.

This may blow over with very minimal disruption, but does it hurt to be prepared?

Some advice