President Trump Optimism thread

Well, obviously the New Deal was a republican idea all along. So, he is just continuing to MAGA with republican ideas and leadership.

I’d feel better if his “infrastructure plan” wasn’t just a giant giveaway to investment bankers. The plan is not to actually use federal dollars, but get private investment to do it by transferring the entire risk of infrastructure projects to the government and asking for nothing in return, really. This will result in a lot of unneeded toll-lanes built on speculation (and without proper environmental review), and actually needed infrastructure projects will be starved for resources. When the toll-lanes fail financially, the government will be left holding the bag, and the financiers who put up the fund will get their guaranteed return.

I think you misspelled “winning!”

I feel the same, but am hoping that the private investment parts of the plan get scaled way back once actual planning begins and the agencies involved realize that privatizing the highway system and every bridge everywhere is not the way to encourage growth in commerce.

The top three priorities Congress should be earmarking money for are Infrastructure, Education and Healthcare Reform.

The top three priorities they most likely will end up funding will be Military Spending, Immigration Reform (including The Wall) and Law/Drug Enforcement, because a military state where the government keeps us all safe from foreign boogeymen is way cooler sounding and easier to attain than a strong economic state where excellent education, access to public services and strong commerce and trade lead to prosperity for all citizens.

In other words, it’s much easier to become Russia than it is to fix the United States.

Oh shit, there goes my optimism!

OK, so it was a shot from Arrested Development of Tobias Fünke, the “analrapist” addressing the “Never Nudes.” Otherwise I was thinking, “Man, the resemblance is uncanny!”

Yeah, EFF that sh*t about the infrastructure non-plan. More privatization of profit combined with socialization of risk/loss–no thanks.

“There are dozens of us! DOZENS!”

So you are saying she was lying. This was a couple years ago so maybe a miracle has happened. But I know what she went thru and I know the tears she shed over it.

I’d feel much better about his speech if it wasn’t a complete shitbag delivering it. He’s shown us exactly what he is and obviously one speech changes nothing. To distance himself from all responsibility for that soldier’s death and then blatantly use it as part of his address was horrifying.

The fact that so many outlets have been tripping over themselves to praise his delivery says they have learned absolutely fucking nothing. One speech where he was coherent, semi literate, and not a complete douche weasel and they are all ‘wow, so presidential’.


The pics of trump supporters show exactly who this group mainly consists of… which is to say, aging babyboomer white people.

And that gives some glimmer of hope, because it means they’re going to be dead soon enough.

And for optimism? Reducing medicare funding will help us get there sooner!

Except, wait, no. The Boomers have always been ‘cut things for every on else, but never our stuff’. so expect their health care to be funded to the nines.

No kidding. Isn’t this textbook Manipulation 101? Like a completely unbelievable plot on a made-for-tv movie, the President has redeemed himself! Lost a lot of respect for Van Jones overnight, especially.

Well, I do think it is worth calling out when he does something in a way that was better than expected. You know, to do your best to be fair. Still, that doesn’t require wetting one’s self over it. I feel like, “ok, not bad, let’s see what he does next” would be a reasoned response.

Yeah, it wasn’t a complete disaster and was an OK speech. He didn’t call for rounding up minorities into concentration camps. A step up, basically.

Of course, the media needs to keep in mind that the fact that he didn’t pee himself on camera is noteworthy says a lot about Donald Trump. Presidential? Hardly.

The man is 70 years old. You do not magically change into something else when you’re 70. You don’t suddenly have an epiphany and realize that you’ve been doing it all wrong after 70 years of his bullshit. He could have given the Gettysburg Address last night and it wouldn’t change my opinion if him even a tiny bit.

So you are counting on the extinction of an entire generation to defeat the evil Lord Trump. :)

I think most of those people will live at least another 4-5 years, and that would be all it takes to keep Trump in power.

It would be better if the Dems actually started thinking about who could run against and beat the Donald.

I’m actually more concerned about long term impacts.

While they may survive long enough to vote for Trump, they’re gonna start dying off pretty fast, and then their influence on society will finally die with them.

Interestingly enough, since they were relatively crappy parents, their kids the Gen X’ers ended up being extremely independent, and as such, aren’t really bound by the same messed up ideals that the babyboomers had.

I didn’t imply that at all.

She must have had a horrible experience, but that’s not typical for Dubai, otherwise it’d not be such a big tourist destination for past several years.

Medicare ain’t gonna be cut until it’s GenX’s turn to draw the benefits…