President Trump Optimism thread

Scrooge, Lex, Fisk, and Doom would legit be better for the country than Trump.

I would’ve voted for Fisk in the Republican primary.

Uncle Pennybags always seemed cheerful, and he sprang people from jail. He’s a rich man of the people!

There you have it: if you want to avoid arrest when assaulting someone, wear a suit. Wow.

In a lot of ways, Trump truly is just like Wario.

Rick Wilson has been killing it lately:

You already know there’s not another, better version of Trump getting ready to show up. You’re smart. You’re loyal. You’re sniffing the wind like a gazelle, nose filled with the scents of predators. You don’t want to break from the pack too soon, but there’s greater risk in waiting too long.

That’s a perfect metaphor for the current situation.

Le sigh…there’s too many overlapping threads around here.

Great article there. I have to imagine this will start happening with the investigation about to start.

I wish there was a way to lure him up a long set of stairs.

Chaffetz gives up.

Chaffetz to DC: “I don’t have to outrun the bear. I just have to outrun you. Seeya suckers!”

Isn’t this the guy that was at a Town Hall and kind of laughed at his angry constituents’ concerns?

This is the guy who told his constituents that if they want health care maybe they should buy fewer iPhones.

Yeah it was this guy. He had this weird oh weirdo grin on this face through part of it and some “laughs”.


Jennifer Rubin (conservative writer at the Wapo) really seems to have turned on the Republican Party.

If the GOP is to survive at all after Trump, it most likely will need to turn to governors or ex-lawmakers who did not carry Trump’s water or attempt to defend the indefensible. I raise that now because it will reflect on the actions of Republicans on Capitol Hill for the next couple of years. Keep in mind how self-destructive their behavior is as you wince watching Capitol Hill Republicans flack for Trump, explain why ongoing possible violations of the emoluments clause are no big deal, brush off reckless disclosure of top-secret information to the Russians or refuse to chastise the president for cuddling up to dictators. As painful as it is to watch these performances, some satisfaction can be derived from knowing that these Republicans are doing incalculable damage to their ambition for future leadership in the party.

Wow, you go girl.

True conservatives (in the fiscal sense) are appalled by what’s going on, I’d wager. Trump is not one of them.

Reuters/Ipsos new poll has Republican disapproval up to 23% from 16% last week. So that’s something.