President Trump Optimism thread

Well those Makarovs use super powerful 9x18mm ammo.

It’s diplomatic protocal to the Vatican- they request that all women who formally see the pope wear a veil and black long-sleeved dresses.

Wow, I didn’t know that, thanks. It just looks so morbid.

well, since president drumpf is exhausted after only 3 days, i’m still optimistic he could still drop dead spontaneously.

So Trump arrives back in DC next week after his international trip. What will be his immediate priority?

  • Addressing the biggest Presidential scandal since Watergate, or possibly ever?
  • Assuring our panicked allies that we won’t constantly leak their classified information?
  • Working with Congress on health care?
  • Promoting his troubled (and troubling) budget?

Nah. Don’t be silly.

This is truly an article for the optimism thread. While Trump approval rale continues to decline fairly steadily. The real news is that even among his base those who strongly approve of him has dropped from 30% to just over 20%, while some approve has remain steady.

Meanwhile those who strongly disapprove has really shot up from 30-45%, while those mildly disapproving has remained constant at 10 to 11%

In short, even Trump biggest fans are starting to lose confidence after only 4 months.

In the same vein, Trump’s trip hasn’t helped his Gallup approval ratings. They’ve remained flat.

I’m somewhat ambivalent about the poll results. On the one hand, he is unprecedentedly unpopular for new President. His approval numbers are slowly drifting down. And most importantly, it’s very, very hard to see anything ahead that would substantially improve his ratings in the future. (I’m not one of those who think a terrorist attack or international crisis will - those things might have improved Obama’s or W’s ratings, but in the case of Trump I think a crisis would just bring everyone’s anxieties about him to the fore.)

So Trump is doing terribly in the polls. But the thing is, he should be doing so much worse.

If you went back in time to, say, 2012 and described to pollsters then what we’ve been through so far - credible accusations of Administration officials colluding with Russia, the Administration being unable to find nominees for thousands of positions due to incompetence, white supremacists in high White House positions, the President leaking classified information to the Russians, wildly unpopular healthcare and budget bills, feuding with the courts, squabbling with allies, palling around with admitted murderers and congratulating aspiring dictators, NATO in disarray, and horrifically embarrassing gaffes in the press every. single. day. - they’d assume that he was in the single digits in the polls and impeachment proceedings were underway. Instead, he’s in the high 30s and, with Gallup anyway, holding steady.

If Trump wants to be optimistic about himself, he can take comfort in the fact that, for a complete and utter fuckup, he’s doing really well.

So very true.

I’m a bit late to this thread, but I wanted to add this article about the son of a high-school classmate:

Wow, what a great guy. His statements about knowing how lucky he is, and his actions in giving back…he gets it.

I’m in, The Rock 2020, and Tom Hanks as VP. Sure they probably know squat about running the country, but you can be damned sure they’d do a hell of a lot better at trying to get up to speed than our current President. Surround them with a group of capable and experienced people to support them and good things could happen. Hell, it would be worth it just for the first time Putin and Johnson met…

I’m fully on board The Rock 2020 plus a competent Cabinet that actually wants to help the country.

I’d prefer Stewart/Colbert, but it’s better than what we have now.

Better late than never – but I’m still mad Joe enabled and popularized Trump for a long time passed the point it was perfectly clear what kind of person and President Trump would be.

Exactly . Fuck every one of the media people who were too enamored with the reality television aspect of Trump to do their damn job. Joe in particular is a fool who,in the words of Colbert, was doing for Trump what Trump was for Putin.

Not exactly optimistic since he passed, but the idea that people like this still exist might be.

Imagine Trump in a situation like that, where his actions decide whether the world is literally destroyed.

Have fun never sleeping again!

This is literally the position Flynn was in. But you know, nothing important in that job.

vikings should have never abandoned their religion

I’ll leave that here.