President Trump Optimism thread

A handy quote for you to use:

“I did not mean that Conservatives are generally stupid; I meant, that stupid persons are generally Conservative. I believe that to be so obvious and undeniable a fact that I hardly think any honourable Gentleman will question it.” - John Stuart Mill, 1866.

So I’m guessing that Mill was a Whig, or maybe even a Chartist?

He was a member of the Liberal party, and when he said capital-C Conservative he meant a member of the Conservative party. This period of British history is where we get the tags Liberal and Conservative.

Though the terms meant rather different things back then. The Liberals were “socially liberal” by the standards of the time, but very pro-free-trade. The Conservatives were in favor of higher tariffs, and resistant to things like religious toleration, votes for all, and women’s rights … OK, maybe the terms haven’t changed that much after all, in the age of Trump.

Yes, I realized that in the British context, Conservative meant “Tory.”

Trump’s tariffs have already caused the market to go down. Now if we get retaliation by the EU, Canada etc. this could lead to a recession. The recession will lead to a Congress going to the Democrats. Maybe the remaining free trade Republicans fearing for their jobs will vote for impeachment.

Hey it could happen!

Recessions hurt a lot of people, middle class and poor. I have been hoping we can avoid that and get rid of him.

It is true.

But better a trade war, than a shooting war.

We are going to have recession sometime, might as well have one we can unambiguously blame on Trump.
Of course, there is no guarrantee there will be 2/3 votes in the Senate.

Close this thread down, the administration is hopeless.

You give the electorate way too much credit.


Currently, I am only optimistic about two things:

  1. Stormy Daniels
  2. If there is an election in 2020, Trump is not likely to win it

I almost remember when I was an optimist.

I had to look up who Diane Arbus was. Thanks? I guess.

Wait until Hypothetical Democrat coalesces into Warren or Booker or Harris or whoever and then gets slagged by a year’s worth of right wing oppo.

We’ll see. :(

Biden vs Trump pay-per-view would be one heck of a show.

I would be OK with settling the 2020 election with a cage match to the death between those two. No guns. Maybe cudgels.

Not fair to pick on a guy with bone spurs…

Would the lesson have stuck though?