Prodeus - Boomer shooter heaven

I played first three missions and damn, this is a delicious homage to Doom. Great atmosphere and music, and so crunchy gameplay. Gamepass rules.

I changed the controls and finally started connecting with this game.

I changed the X-axis sensitivity and Y-axis sensitivity to be higher. And I swapped the X and Y buttons, because seriously, I’m so used to X being the reload button in shooters.

And now it’s a lot more fun now that aiming doesn’t feel like I’m slowly moving through molasses.

And thanks to Quick Resume on the Series X, I was actually able to finish the first level. Since you can’t save your game, I didn’t make much progress on the PC since I can’t do long play sessions.

Judging just by the first level, I’m enjoying it.

I really should stop jumping onto little islands on top of lava. I fall in and lose so much health, and then the rest of the level it’s all about trying to manage with miniscule amounts of health.

OTOH, maybe I shouldn’t. It certainly makes the game more exciting. Maybe that’s why they put in those segments at the start of each level?

Here, come get this treasure and lose your health.