Project xCloud - Microsoft wants you to not own any games

Thought they were basically the same thing. Apparently not.

No, but it’s still interesting. Looks like MS is trying to get a foot in the door by streaming from your Xbox rather than from the cloud. Maybe they’ll try to incrementally ‘upgrade’ the app to get to the point where you can play from the cloud. I dunno.

Not unless they’re looking to pull a Sweeney and start a battle royale with Apple.

They may not have to. As the article in The Verge points out, allowing the app in to stream from the console mirrors what the Playstation app does currently. Beyond that, it’s mostly a matter of patience and negotiation. Apple has already lightened up a bit on what they allow, and MS has stated expressly that their issue with Apple is not financial:

Sony’s equivalent is PS Now and that isn’t on iOS (or Android) either.

No. Sony’s app for streaming games from the console is Remote Play, which is available on iOS.

Sigh, yes, but this is the xCloud thread.

Oh, so suddenly staying on topic is important to you, Mr Goat GIF?

No, but replying in context of the conversation is! I think we were just talking past each other here.

Anyway, my point was that this could be the entry point for getting xCloud on iOS, which is definitely one of Microsoft’s goals. This could be done without putting your head down and charging, i.e. the Sweeney method.

It definitely isn’t, though. Apple makes a clear distinction between simply mirroring a remote device and a service like xCloud or stadia.

That distinction makes no sense and is bullshit but Apple is not swayed by that argument.

OK, you win, I give up. Tired of talking to you now.

I mean, you didn’t support your argument.

My brother gave me that 8-bitdo clip, or whatever it’s called, that connects my controller with my phone.

I tried it out this weekend. It takes a minute to get used to it. Suddenly the weight of the controller is not the same because there’s a phone attached to it, and even a Pixel 3, which is fairly light, does change the weight distribution enough that it’s not the same as just holding a controller anymore.

I tried it with Neon Abyss. It was a nice game to try because with my controller in lap, that game no longer looks pixelated. On the other hand, the font is too small to read at that distance, so I had to keep bringing the controller up near my face in order to actually read the writing.

It works. It’s nice. But I still don’t have much use for it. Yet.

So anyway, the thing I said earlier might be happening. Yes, that’s a maybe. We’ll see what happens.

Two weeks ago Microsoft was saying they worked with Apple to make a browser app that worked.

If you’re talking about what you linked upthread, that’s streaming from an Xbox, not the cloud.

Sure, but don’t they work exactly the same way?

I know it’s me not understanding it completely, but they seem to be doing the same thing. Just in one case you own a disk.

Well no, not exactly. You would need to power up your Xbox and have whatever game you wanted to play installed on that Xbox. Streaming from the cloud is, you know, streaming from the cloud.

I get that, but really, aren’t they both just really streaming from the cloud? Is the Xbox really uploading everything just to be streamed to your iPad, or is it just using the same underlying service? And even if it is, is the tech really so different?