PS4 Controllers

Yep. Like I said, I’ve used it at my friends place…

It was unclear as you were talking about PS3 games then only said PS controller. As noted the PS4 and PS3 controllers are rather different in feel.

Here’s a review of two “Pro” PS4 controllers:

Again, the big failure of those controllers is that they aren’t wireless.

Because apparently Sony doesn’t allow anyone who isn’t Sony, even licensed 3rd parties, to make wireless controllers for their system. Because of reasons.

Sorry, yes I should have been clearer!

I[quote=“Timex, post:24, topic:127842”]
Because apparently Sony doesn’t allow anyone who isn’t Sony, even licensed 3rd parties, to make wireless controllers for their system. Because of reasons.

Isn’t MS the same way? I’m pretty sure they don’t allow 3rd party wireless generally.

Maybe, but Microsoft also at least makes a really awesome elite controller.

Sony doesn’t let anyone make one, and also doesn’t make one themselves.

How much of a market is there for $150 controller?

I don’t mind that it is not wireless, but i am not paying $150 for a ps4 gamepad that is wired. If you’re going to give me a lesser gamepad compared to the xbox elite gamepad, then you need to discount it.

These gamepads do look kind of tempting, but i feel like they are a little more expensive than i want to pay for what the quality looks like.

Big enough to support Microsoft making one, and those other companies making them?

Some data:
In 2015, MS underestimated the market for this, and they couldn’t keep them in stock:

in 2016 the sales were up 46% yoy.

As it stands, there are companies like ScufGaming who essentially have their entire business built around modifying sony controllers and selling them for $150… and they’re way lower quality than the XBox Elite controller, with plastic paddles which inevitably break. It’s almost like they’re freaking DESIGNED to break so you have to replace them for $10.

Ya, MAYBE I’d get it if it was cheaper and not wireless? But honestly, probably not. I don’t want to deal with cables dragging across my living room.

And honestly, I wouldn’t mind paying that much for a PS4 controller with the same build quality as the XBox elite controller… it’s a thing you are in contact with constantly while playing. I don’t really mind paying for the cost of 2 games for that to be really solid. Certainly not everyone would… most folks wouldn’t, I assume. But clearly SOME number of folks would.

Sony just seems to be really bad at understanding what their users want though.

I do actually have a xbox elite gamepad and use it all of the time on PC (i dont have an xbox). I don’t regret the purchase and feel it is a lot better than the normal xbox one gamepad.

These don’t look like they are the same level though. If i’m paying this much for a gamepad, i want it to be just perfect. I don’t want to hear about trade offs.

Especially with some big ps4 games coming out, the market is there for a premium ps4 controller.

The market definitely exists. I’m surprised Sony hasn’t released one.

Would be great to get a PS4 controller with the Xbox layout too. I prefer it.

Not that it matters as I don’t have an Xbone or PS4, but just sayin’.

I don’t know if it was Microsoft or Valve or someone else who incorporated them first, but the back paddles are an excellent addition. I hope all controllers going forward add them.

I believe SCUF was the original back paddle innovator. They still make both Xbone and PS4 controllers.

If you look at the SCUF below and compare it to the Xbone elite controller, it’s pretty clear where Microsoft was “inspired”.