Puerto Rico Thread


In Georgia they are trying to stop them from getting driver’s licenses at all.

Finally, something that seems positive is happening.

Not a fan of this move…

I’m not either, but… we do allow some Native American groups to carry on traditions that would otherwise be illegal. Puerto Rico still has a local population, so maybe some traditions should be allowed but… the size of the industry and the fact it is a commercial industry makes it a little different too.

The scale makes it worse, not better. It’s barbaric.

Well I didn’t say better; I just said it’s different. The whale hunting is not commercial, for example, and this is.

I guess at this point I can’t really blame them for basically pretending they aren’t part of the US.
After all the President does.

My ancestors were headhunters and cannibals. I don’t see why indigenous peoples traditions are held to be sacred. Given the tiny whale population and humans breeds like flies its probably more ethical to allow Dayaks to cull their neighbours every now and then.

We’re going to see a lot more states start openly defying the federal government, no matter who wins in 2020

Cock fighting is basically just animal cruelty.

Not to derail but it amazes me how many people I have met here in Indonesia who still believe that the Dayak women from Kalimantan use black magic , especially in love. University educated people.

My theory that the “magic” is because the Dayak women are often very attractive doesn’t seem to meet with favour strangely.

Many Muslims I know are afraid of magic and sorcerers, jinn and what have you. They are mentioned in the Quran ergo they exist and are real. The Saudis are always executing Indonesian maids for witchcraft.

I think Indonesia will include this but its mainly local culture which is incredibly varied

That’s nothing! Many Christians and/or Evangelists I know of are afraid of “Teh Gay”, which is a magical force that homosexuals use to convert God-fearing straight-as-an-arrow young children into same sex-craving perverted wretches simply by kissing their partners in front of them (or mass conversions using the power of mass media).

The USA gobbled up a bunch of Native groups and has a history of allowing certain practices that are essentially illegal otherwise for some of those groups. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not without precedence.

But cock fighting is not a religious activity. It’s not some fundamental cultural rite. These are the things which usually get such exemptions.

It’s a sport where roosters have tiny knives strapped to their feet, and they’re forced to fight until one is maimed.

I seriously gotta question the leaders in Puerto Rico who think that this is something worth preserving.

I’m not pro-cock fighting by any means, but…

You can make a compelling argument that, e.g. factory farming chickens is more animal cruelty on both an aggregate level, and on a suffering-per-chicken level.

There’s an argument from intent-to-harm, I guess, or an argument of human benefit vs. animal suffering. But it’s logically difficult to justify banning cockfighting without banning a lot of meat production. We’ve just decided, culturally, that one is more acceptable than the other.

Right which kind of puts it up there with… bull-fighting which I am told is also tied to not so young culture in other places.

We made exceptions once. You can’t just auto rule this out because it makes some people squirm. Whatever process was done before to allow those exceptions should be followed now. It may or may not allow an exception in this case. It should probably not allow for an entire commercial industry though. I am not aware of any of the other exceptions being that broad.

Just because I personally would not watch bull-fighting or cock-fighting does not mean we should just ignore the precedence set in this country. If those boundaries haven’t really been tested, well guess we have a case to do that.

Farming’s purpose is to provide food.
Cockfighting’s purpose is to cause animals to inflict pain and harm on each other, for amusement.

I don’t think there’s any real comparison to be made there.