Purge your backlog: we'll talk you out of that game

Not really, no.

You can beat that creature, but by no means are you expected to do so as a new player. You essentially have no weapon yet and limited maneuvering room. Experienced Souls players can beat it, but even then it is a lengthy fight because of the limited damage you can inflict without a real weapon yet.

Holy crap, I thought Indigo Prophecy was absolutely awful, if that’s his best then I’m not missing much.

I agree with all of that. Assuming you are ok with the dreaded “walking simulator” genre, this is a great one.

Ohh, yeah just run past that wolf. Find a ladder, climb up, and interact with the lamp. Acquire a weapon there.

Basically the one good idea Cage has ever had was that two step opening where you play the murderer covering up and then the detectives investigating. Nothing in the others is as smart or promising and all of them have fundamental issues with storytelling etc.

That was a cool opening, now that I think about it. I think the later insanity of the plot has overwhelmed that opening in my memory.

There was only one chapter I loved. Condenser if the PS4 version has chapter select. A handful of the others were interesting, but it’s an easy game to skip.

It’s another third person shooter. Purge if you’re tired of them.

On the other hand, it’s kid friendly, charming, and funny. We’ve been playing the multiplayer almost daily for the last few months. Everyone is super casual… no shit talk AT ALL. The two campaigns are quick, around 3 hours each. There’s also cool co-op modes vs bosses and hordes.

I saw Just Cause 3 upthread. While I loved this game, there is a known huge game breaking bug for all versions. If you don’t play for a while (not sure how long, reports from weeks to months) it deletes your save game. This has happened to me twice now and is well documented on various forums and tech support sites. Don’t even buy this stinker.

Super disappointed, shame on Avalanche/Square.

Hmm, really? Going to check that today.

Just checked, haven’t touched in over a year, save game is still there. I barely made it up to the main landmass, I need to go back and play more.

If mine is still there I’ll definitely be backing up that save.

EDIT: Whew, that was scary for a sec. I booted up JC3 and the game started as though new, ugh. But then of course I realized that I’d switched motherboard and processor and gone to Windows 10 on a new SSD in April of last year and found my Just Cause 3 folder in the backup I’d made then of the Documents folder. Once I plopped that in the place of the newly created one all was well.