Qapla' batlh je

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Colorado Springs police are looking for a man who hit two 7-Eleven convenience stores early Wednesday, armed with a Klingon sword.

Is it wrong that I recognised the thread title as Klingon, or sheer grace that I don’t know what it means, apart from Qapla which you spelled incorrectly.

Then there’s me who had to click the article to find out what a Klingon sword looks like.

I got it from some website. I also apparently copied the pronunciation part. It should read: “Qapla’ batlh je.”

Edit: oh hey, it let me fix it!

Don’t go on the picture they show you, it’s only part of the Bat’leth.

This is what a full one looks like.

Actually, a real batleth is one held by a fat guy.

i used to own the klingon dictionary. damn those were the days.

Klingon Honor Guard!

Just speaking from a purely sensible standpoint, that would be possibly one of the worst weapon designs I could imagine. There’d be no way to block or parry with it, without the damn thing twisting in your hands. The reach on it is awful unless you were to put both hands on a single handhold, and even then it couldn’t beat a proper sword in reach.

I think you’d be more likely to hurt yourself with it than someone else.

Yeah, so?

So Klingons are noobs, obviously. Their fierce warrior shtick is clearly just a cover for their secret love of showtunes and Barbra Streisand.

“It is a good day to die.” - Klingon proverb

Matey, stop a moment and think. You’re critiquing a fictional weapon! Rein yourself in man.

No. I’m no trekkie, and I recognised it. I also knew what the thread was about before clicking.