Qt3 Boardgames Podcast: Crusaders, Outer Rim, Glorantha

Firefly is great, but as was mentioned in another thread, you’ll want the expansions, at which point it really sprawls. Like, one of the biggest table real estate hogs I’ve ever seen. But if you want solo play for fly/fight/trade space adventure, you want Xia: Legends of a Drift System for the sandbox and Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Star add-on for the solitaire. I assumed the base game was readily available:


Uh, apparently not. Let’s look elsewhere:


Nope. I also thought the Embers of a Forsaken Star add-on had been reprinted recently and was also available. But, uh, nope:


So, ix-nay on the ia-Xay at this point. I’m sure there are some fan-made Firefly solitaire variants, but my feeling is that it really needs human interaction. Fortunately, it’s easy to get people psyched to play a Firefly game than it is to get people to play a Xia game. What’s a Xia?
