Qt3 Games Podcast: back to Payday

Title Qt3 Games Podcast: back to Payday
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Games podcasts
When August 14, 2013

This week, Josh Bycer, Tom Chick, Rob Harvey, and Jason McMaster are up to no good in Payday 2..

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Glad Sir McMaster got the respect he deserves!

I had to google Naomi Wolf, she kind of looks like a chubby Sarah Palin

That explains a lot.


I hope Overkill puts a Sarah Palin mask in a future Payday 2 update.

I just received word that Opperation: Gencon Hordes High Command was a success. Thanks to the ninja efforts of Agent Dreamshadow. Everyone can rest easy now.

I still need to google-fu me some meth lab for dummies though.

From your mouth to Norway's ears, brother!

Word is a female character is coming so it could happen. Fingers crossed. If they integrated steam workshop I would try and make one myself.

Hey, McMaster, this reminded me. I'll give the queen a ring, get that knighthood sorted out for you.

Glad to hear that's finally getting done!

worse case scenario, you could still be the one who knocks.