Qt3 Games Podcast: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Griftlands, Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Title Qt3 Games Podcast: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Griftlands, Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Author Tom Chick
Posted in Games podcasts
When August 2, 2019

What makes an action RPG great? What's next from the guys who just released Oxygen Not Included? Why do these girls have Southern accents? We struggle with these questions, and more!

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 at 1:00, Griftlands at 13:24, and Wolfenstein: Youngblo

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Ah yes.

Couple things:

  1. @Jason_McMaster totally sold me on Griftlands. I am so gonna play that game when I get a Switch.

  2. There are 66 possibilities for combining 12 things together in groups of two. Use the formula n! / (r! * (n-r)!) where n is the number of things and r is the number of ways you can combine them. I used that formula extensively to calculate the probabilities for my Battle of the Bulge articles.

66 is not 12 times 2. Look, you might understand brain surgery, but math is a whole other thing.


Haha, of all the episodes of TNG, that one might be the most depressing.

How can it be depressing, after a week he never brings it up again.

See, Picard is just fine.

The reccuring theme of those podcasts seems to be Nick inflicting himself gaming pain.

The good news is that I’m playing something I really enjoy now!

I sort of enjoy that part of the podcast. :)
I still want to try Young Blood, perhaps when it is $1.