Qt3 member posting statistics: Current American Politics

This is the third survey in the word association series, the first being “Heaven and Hell” and the second “Modern Expansionists Wordtest”. This time I cover current american foreign politics.

Iraq*, neocon*, and Al Qa* are the three wordsets tracked by this survey. The asterisk indicates that all variations of the root word are included. Some spell it Al Qaeda and some Al Qaida, hence the inclusion there. A Qt3er’s rating in Iraq* is determined by the total number of his posts which include at least one use of Iraq* (case insensitive, including quoted material) divided by his total number of posts. Likewise for neocon* and Al Qa*.

The only ‘Least frequent use’ listing is for Iraq*, since in the cases of neocon* and Al Qa* there are too many Qt3ers with zero uses.

Only Qt3ers with at least 222 total posts qualify for the survey.

The first listing, “Most frequent Current American Politics users”, adds up the rankings for most frequent use of each of the three wordsets (Iraq*, neocon*, and Al Qa*). I, for example, ranked 76th in Iraq*, 6th in neocon*, and 13th in Al Qa*, for a rating of 95. The next three listings are for the most frequent use of the individual wordsets, and the final listing is for the least frequent use of War. Commentary is included.

[size=5]Most frequent Current American Politics users:[/size]

#1: Brian Rucker - 7
#2: antlers - 14
#3: Daniel Morris - 22
#4: Oppressor - 39
#5: Brett Todd - 47
#6: Woolen Horde - 52
#7: Jason McCullough - 56
#8: Rywill - 85
#9: Erik - 89
#10: Midnight Son - 92
#11: Brian Koontz - 95
#12: Tim Elhajj - 103

[size=4]Most frequent Iraq* users:[/size]

#1: Daniel Morris - 26.9%
#2: antlers - 16.9%
#3: Chris Floyd - 15.7%
#4: Brian Rucker - 15.5%
#5: ydejin - 11.5%
#6: Bob Cherub - 9.09%
#7: Philomath - 8.75%
#8: bmulligan - 8.70%
#9: Idar Thorvaldsen - 8.67%
#10: Jim F. - 8.45%
#11: CindySue22 - 8.37%
#12: Brett Todd - 7.59%
#13: Captain Cookiepants - 7.25%
#14: Lizard_King - 7.00%
#15: Kyle Wilson - 6.78%
#16: Tim Partlett - 6.67%
#17: Woolen Horde - 6.63%
#18: jeff lackey - 6.26%
#19: Erik - 5.97%
#20: Jason McCullough - 5.89%

I don’t know the political affiliation of a third of the people on this list. Morris dominates the second place Qt3er by 10%. Brian Rucker was the first Qt3er to use Iraq*

[size=4]Most frequent neocon* users:[/size]

#1: Brian Rucker - 6.51%
#2: Daniel Morris - 3.12%
#3: Oppressor - 2.67%
#4: Cleve Blakemore - 2.15%
#5: Doug Erickson - 1.66%
#6: Brian Koontz - 1.60%
#7: shift6 - 1.49%
#8: CindySue22 - 1.20%
#9: John Reynolds - 0.94%
#10: Chris Floyd - 0.85%
#11: antlers - 0.82%
#12: Anaxagoras - 0.76%
#13: ydejin - 0.72%
#14: Woolen Horde - 0.67%
#15: triggercut - 0.49%
#16: Jason McCullough - 0.46%
#17: Bill Dungsroman - 0.43%
#18: Kyle Wilson - 0.36%
#19: Midnight Son - 0.36%
#20: TheSelfishGene - 0.35%

88 of the 419 (21%) Qt3 posts that included neocon* were made by Brian Rucker. Trans Am, a guest, was the first Qt3er to use neocon*, with Jason McCullough being the second.

[size=4]Most frequent Al Qa* users:[/size]

#1: antlers - 1.23%
#2: Brian Rucker - 0.89%
#3: Bob Cherub - 0.74%
#4: Duality - 0.71%
#5: Tim Partlett - 0.48%
#6: JessicaM - 0.43%
#7: Rywill - 0.40%
#8: asspennies - 0.38%
#9: Brett Todd - 0.32%
#10: Oppressor - 0.31%
#11: Andrew Mayer - 0.26%
#12: Gunmetal - 0.24%
#13: Brian Koontz - 0.23%
#14: Erik Andersson - 0.23%
#15: MarchHare - 0.22%
#16: John Many Jars - 0.22%
#17: Derek Meister - 0.21%
#18: Creole Ned - 0.20%
#19: Daniel Morris - 0.19%
#20: Jason McCullough - 0.18%

Brian Rucker was the first Qt3er to use Al Qa*.

[size=4]Least frequent Iraq* users:[/size]

#1: Mike Cathcart - 0.00% (2027 posts)
#2: Murph - 0.00% (1337)
#3: Wholly Schmidt - 0.00% (1082)
#4: Lokust - 0.00% (1079)
#5: Jason Cross - 0.00% (977)
#6: Kevin Grey - 0.00% (859)
#7: -Lord Ebonstone- - 0.00% (766)
#8: xahlt - 0.00% (747)
#9: MattKeil - 0.00% (738)
#10: Rob_Merritt - 0.00% (721)
#11: Ergo - 0.00% (694)
#12: Charles - 0.00% (686)
#13: Tom Ohle - 0.00% (658)
#14: Charybdis - 0.00% (623)
#15: Tyrion Lannister - 0.00% (588)
#16: JD - 0.00% (587)
#17: MrAngryFace - 0.00% (546)
#18: ciparis - 0.00% (518)
#19: dandylife - 0.00% (509)
#20: Xemu - 0.00% (481)

Some interesting related statistics: Of the 258300 total Qt3 posts, 217797 of them were made by Qt3ers who qualified for this survey (222 or more total posts). This comes out to 84.3%. However, 96 out of the total 100 uses of Al Qa* were made by qualifying Qt3ers, far over the “neutral” result of 84.3%. This indicates that new or infrequent posters for whatever reason very rarely use that term. 4844 out of 5549 (87.3%) uses of Iraq* were made by qualifying Qt3ers while 381 out of 419 (90.9%) uses of neocon* were likewise.

Brian, just out of curiosity, how long does it take you to assemble one of these lists?

Is there anyone checking to see if these statistics are accurate or are we just so disinterested it doesn’t even matter?

I think Brian should do a survey on the most frequent users of the word “penis”. :wink:

You laugh now, but the Neoiralqaedacons are out to get you!

The shortest ones are the regular Most Posts and Most Posts per day… those take 3-4 hours. This one was middling in length… about 6 hours from start to finish. I like to keep them under 8 hours or so… a couple have taken me 12+ hours and its just not fun at that point, although I’ll do that if the research is interesting enough.

I’m starting to consider this list a classic, which is worrisome since I don’t fully understand it.

Best penny stocks

Wow, this is the first time I’ve ever made one of these lists! Hurray for Al Qaeda…err…wait…

The shortest ones are the regular Most Posts and Most Posts per day… those take 3-4 hours. This one was middling in length… about 6 hours from start to finish. I like to keep them under 8 hours or so… a couple have taken me 12+ hours and its just not fun at that point, although I’ll do that if the research is interesting enough.[/quote]

It takes you 12 hours of analyzing message board posts before you reach the “not fun” point?

Wow. You are either very easily amused or in serious need of another hobby.


Maybe he should try gaming? Or perhaps reading?

I doubt he has time to read. In the American Splendor thread, Koontz said that he would not have the time to read a comic book in order to back up his literary assertions for “at least the next decade”. I’m dead serious, although knowing he spends 12 hours on meaningless and instantly dated statistics threads in service of a forum who doesn’t really care to begin with explains why he has so little time.

Hm. Thought I had a lock on this list. I don’t recall ever taking part in any Iraq or Neocon debates, so should have showed up on the “Least used” section, methinks.

This was a good thread. Troy, Crypt, thanks for making it funny. I actually did laugh out loud. Well, I suppose thanks should actually go to Koontz.

“Autobots wage their battles to
destroy the evil forces of
the Neoiralqaedacons!”