You misspelled “content.”
I can’t remember if it was in Games or Everything Else, but he did post here a couple weeks ago saying he’d improved and was doing much better.
Hello! Yeah, I’m here. Sorry. I am a teacher now, and graduation is looming, so I’ve been working with a lot of kids that have been dragging their feet during distance learning and are in danger of not graduating. I am also working with kids to learn how to paint miniatures. I’ve basically run out of my own money now, and have been bugging companies to donate to me and the school, to NO luck. I’m doing better mentally and physically.
Great to hear!
(about the last sentence, not the financial difficulty, I hope that improves soon)
One of our resident hard core gamers hasn’t posted in a month.
The last thing I remember @Nesrie talking about was Torchlight 3.
Is possible that the game is in such a state that it can turn someone off gaming forever?
I think @Nesrie is doing ok, but taking a break from us. I miss her and hope she’ll be back soon.
Yeah, “taking a break from us” is my sense too, in particular it seemed like the political threads were grating on her (totally understandable and, in part, my fault I think). Hopefully that’s all it is and she’s doing well otherwise.
Naw man that wasn’t you or me or anyone in particular. Just all of us white middle age, middle class men being… Well, us. We tried and we failed at being supportive and understanding sufficiently. We all did.
I hope @Nesrie is doing okay as well. There’s a lot of stuff going on, not just on this forum and I miss her voice. I too hope she’ll be back soon.
@kristina is missing as well.
As is @KristiGaines
I notice a pattern here. Sadly, due to where my specific interests and interactions here flow I don’t know if I missed something.
Did you see her departure thread?
I miss her too, and don’t know what exactly happened there, but I don’t think we ran her off based on the available information.
I… did not. That was a very busy and stressful time on my end so missed that.
Honestly, it’s not particularly illuminating. Mostly you just missed a thread of increasingly wild-eyed speculation about why she left.
Hope things are better for you now than they were then.
Nesrie left because she felt somewhat shut down while trying to express her personal feelings and issues of being an African American woman in today’s society. Kristi left because she didn’t like the thread-copping.
This is what they told me, so hopefully I’m not misrepresenting their feelings, and if so I apologize.
I’m back! :)
Welcome back!
Wb! Hope all is well!
Thanks! All well, just had a crazy amount of work and studies simultaneously for a long time.
I’ll stick to only work this autumn, so hopefully kore game time :)
Welcome back!