Qt3 Movie Podcast: A Quiet Place

I’m more relaxed about the plot holes than, say, Tom, but come on. Text communication exists.

What I was trying to say that the fastest ways of communication involve sound sources in one way or another on sender’s and recipient’s end.

I enjoyed this movie, even though I don’t usually enjoy movies in the horror genre. How do I know this was in the horror genre? Because the length of nerdy discussion by Tom in this thread. Ha ha. You guys are horror fans.

Ok, time to listen to the podcast.

It always pleases me when you resurrect these threads and let us know you’re listening to the podcast after finally getting to see the movie. I cannot tell you how happy that makes me.

Thank you for doing that.


“You should tell her.”

A couple of months ago CinemaWins did a great video about this one, he spent the 2nd half of the video explaining most of the issues people had with the movie, which he almost never does. What interesting is his theory that it’s not the sound waves defeated the aliens, but electro-magnetic waves:

I really loved watching this. I’ve got so many movies to see this week, and now I want to watch this again.

Thank you for posting this, @kentwou.


I ended up too distracted by procedural/mechanical questions to really identify with the characters, and I also missed any sort of overarching goal beyond pure survival. By that I mean, I was regularly thinking things like “okay, they don’t wear shoes because that makes their footsteps loud, but…why no socks? those would protect their feet -and- dampen noise” or “how do they still have reliable power and water well over a year after civilization’s collapse?” or “why are they not living in the perfectly good house they have instead of the barn?” I’m not saying these are holes - there might be perfectly good reasons for all of these things. But the movie never acknowledges these questions, much less answers them. As for the survival thing…watching characters survive an ever-present threat for a couple days out of the rest of their lives doesn’t really make for much of a plot. And I don’t automatically need one - if they’d wanted to explore the implications of the premise, I’d have found that at least as compelling. But they don’t do either.

So ultimately, cool premise but the movie didn’t do it for me.

Watching it now. It is doing it for me.

Here’s the thing – Emily Blunt is just so super great. Even when she says nothing or whispers “go” … I love her.

I am sure I will add commentary, but please. She shot tom cruise in the head and I loved that.

Yes she is starting to weaken bit here