Qt3 Movie Podcast: Wonder Woman

But the other Amazons aren’t immortals. Diana is a god. Right?


We know curiously little about the regular Amazons in the movie. Diana is definitely a demigod, at least.

Like! Where’s the like button?! This gave me a giddy sense of joy that I wish I had gotten from the movie. Thank you, @Soren_Hoglund

Actually, I’m spot on. Because words.

So I guess you and I have different definitions of the word ‘assertive’ then, since I think it means something active and even forceful, and you think it means a woman standing in the corner while a man comes into her room, shuts the door, approaches her, and kisses her as we fade to black. What did you think, that she had her lasso out and we just couldn’t see it because it was out of shot?

That’s an assertive sex scene to you, on her part. “She’s assertive, but in a different way…” So…uh…she’s passively assertive?

Whether it made your dick do whatever your dick did, it’s hardly assertive on her part, and more to my point, hardly in keeping with her active nature as a hero. Like the woman who goes into the silly room of stuffy meeting men when she’s told explicitly not to. And then goes in again when manly-man tries to lead her out. She just goes into that room, twice, because that’s what she’s gonna do.

I guess, if you stretch it you could say that given the nature of her character and strength, if she didn’t want to have sex with him, she simply could have thrown him out the window. But that assumption hardly substitutes for a decent sex scene where she actually initiates the action because she wants to. Not because of some sort of Assertive Magnet DeviceTM she has hidden in her nether regions.

If we’re going to have a Wonder Woman love scene in this silly movie, she should be initiating. Because she wants to do this. For her reasons. And he can stand in the corner and wait for her to close the door and back him up against the wall and kiss him herself. I’ll bet that’s something he’s never experienced, and would be rare in those times, and thus, is exciting and new. I can even see it playing out, this great juxtaposition of her as a virgin who has totally read up on all of this stuff. And him being all, “I’ve got this,” because he’s so experienced. And her going, “No…I’ve got this.”

What you’re describing is hardly assertive. “Different way assertive” makes no sense as a term. “I’m going to sit here in my office and silently assert that you give me a raise.” That’s not asserting, and I use the asking for a raise thing on purpose because women have been classically taught just to wait to be given things they may want and hope for and not to actually be assertive and act upon getting them.

There’s no such thing as “different way assertive” in this regard.

With regard to the tepid and vacant sex scene, I say she should initiate, and that would be sexy. And might have actually lead to a decent scene. Instead of a classic man-backs-woman-into-corner and then we fade to black which here just makes me go limp. Which is far from noice.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


“What I do isn’t up to you.”

The body language, the looks in their eyes in that scene - there’s no way she’s backed into a corner. She’s far more sure of herself in it is than he is. To me, it played like the equivalent of a man walking a woman home, and the woman going “come on in already” at the door.

Diana has a Drax quality to her that I really love, especially in that boat scene. But also in her simple plan for dealing with Ares and getting to the war. “If I get to A…then B will happen. So get me to A so I can make B happen immediately.”

The purported sex scene betrays her in this.

So I just disagree that she’s going to bother with “Come hither” looks when she has plainly said, at every point in this movie, “This is what I want. Let’s do it.” She decides to get the sword. She decides to take the boat after he’s charged out with no real plan. She agrees to goofy clothes–because camoflage basically–but chooses ones that will enable her to kick ass. She is not subtle, and has not been subtle so far when it comes to sex. So why now?

This is why this scene is so disappointing, and why I don’t get your reaction to it. Look at the way you put it, Soren…

You’re kind of making my point. She’s not a woman who exists in this equivalency. As we’ve seen from the fight in the alley. She walks the man home. And she decides what’s going to happen thereafter. And she states it. Plainly. A cute warm eyeball look of “come in already” isn’t Wonder Woman. She’s not supposed to be coy. Ugh.

And that’s why I think that scene sucks.


Aw, man, I wasn’t paying close enough attention at that point. I’d pretty much lost interest, but now you guys are making me want to see Wonder Woman again so I can have an opinion on this scene.


Maybe I should watch it again to make sure I’m not taking crazy pills, but there’s nothing coy about the way she’s looking at him. I like that she’s learned enough to not be Drax-like in interpersonal relationships while still coming across like she’s totally in charge, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Same. I wonder- er, I’m left to imagine how much better it would be if Riley Keough was providing non verbal physical gestures.

I remember thinking the scene was a culmination of an extremely awkward relationship. Not because of a power dynamic, but because of incompetent writing. And bad chemistry.