Qt3 Multiplayer Gaming Tournament #1 - Rise of Nations

All right, I’m calling a close to the experimental, first (hopefully of several, if not many) Qt3 Multiplayer Gaming Tournament! I would like to formally thank the participants for their willingness to participate, good sportsmanship and for putting up with a few hiccups here and there.

In the interest of being as reasonable as possible, given that belouski specifically asked me to resign his match and I heard nothing to the contrary afterward, I have respected his wishes and marked the bracket accordingly in order to close it out.

The final top standings for the tournament, which would never pass muster in any form of legitimately structured competitive tournament, were:

  1. Otagan
  2. tomchick
  3. legowarrior

While Tom and legowarrior were tied in terms of record, the Buchholz method (which I am not enough of a stats geek to formally grok) gave Tom a slight edge. I do wish to acknowledge legowarrior’s efforts publicly, as he was a completely new player to the game as of the time I posted this thread just over a month ago and he turned in extremely impressive results when taking that into consideration.

The final replay pack can be found here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/394299971895296031/406968995892166666/R4.zip

I personally enjoyed this a great deal, as it was a chance to dust off one of my favorite games of all time. While it is clear that some do not share that sentiment, said sentiment was what led me to pick this as the experimental game by personal fiat. This format has been shown to work, and that’s all this needed to do, but I also had fun. Hopefully everyone else got some enjoyment out of this as well.

Polling is underway for the next game, with a runoff poll due at some point in the near future to decide which game will be up next. Signups for that game will run considerably longer than signups for this one, giving everyone a chance to decide if they’d like to join, make a few calls on the rules and to practice a bit. That should be preserved with all future games, as well.

Again, thank you to everyone who participated. It was an honor, and I hope to see you on the battlefield again soon.