Qt3 wants you! Open call for game diaries!

Bah… it looks like that doesn’t actually cut it off at the “jump” or “more” mark. It just randomly stops after what looks like 40 words or so. Even in the middle of a sentence. :(

That sounds messy, but I’m afraid I don’t see any additional options in the Word Press settings panel. You’ll just have to actually visit the front page to get the rest of the words. :)


FWIW I’d rather have the full article in the feed with an attached ad then have to go to the site and then click past the break. I understand you gotta at least break even on the site but I consume multiple sites through Google Reader and having to visit the site to even get an idea if I want to read the article makes me likely to pass it by.

Same. I remember research showing that full text RSS feeds don’t really hurt page views as much as people think.

Personally, I just use Full Text RSS to make shortened feeds into full length ones.

It’s pretty easy these days to use feedburner with wordpress and automatically integrate adsense ads to the RSS feed.

That makes sense, krayz, so I’ve reset it to the old way. If it comes down to core functionality for some users vs. annoyance for others, I’d rather opt for the former.

Plus, RSS feeds? Why don’t you guys just swing by the front page on the way into the forums? We stick some lovely pictures up there just for you!


Er, because the RSS app is a standalone, fast-loading reading material provider and the web browser is not? :)

I’m waiting for 6G and universal coverage before I give up my text.

In case I was being too subtle, the question wasn’t a question so much as an appeal for people to support the site.


And in case I was being too subtle, there’s simply no way that I (I don’t want to extrapolate for other mobile users, but I suspect the reason RSS apps thrive on phones is because of this) will be able to do that while mobile, so we’ll deal with what we get via feeds. It’s like the piracy argument - just because we got all your content via feed doesn’t mean we won’t come back if we’re regulars.

However, one mode saves you bandwidth, and the other does not. This made your decision - the "so I’ve reset it to the old way. " - surprising to me.

I use RSS feeds because there is no way I’m going to check 50 sites for new stuff. But a way to check those fifty sites in one place in a extremely quick manner? Hell to the motherfucking yeah!